
Well Known Member
This morning I opened the box for my GRT 10.1 EFIS only to discover that there was no GPS antenna in the box. Odd I thought, so perhaps someone forgot to put it in the shipment. After calling GRT I was informed that GPS antennas are an accessory and were not included, but a surefly could be sourced from them for a mere $500, and easily attached to the back of the EFIS box.

So long story short - I need to figure out a GPS position source that is compatible with my GRT EFIS and doesn't cost $500. This is for a simple VFR RV3 and I already have an ADSB solution with Skybeacon.

I'm sure someone out there in Vans' land has this figured out already and can give me some ideas that don't break the bank.
Edit: I misread ‘sky beacon’ as ‘sky radar’. I have a SkyRadar adsb-in, and my grt HX picks up and uses its gps data (via USB). Any chance your Sky beacon will do the same?
As spelled out on their website, the Horizon 10.1 does not include a GPS. There are many options for GPS position source input into the Horizon 10.1. I chose the SafeFly GPS, coupled with the uAvionics echo for ADSB in/out. I also added a Mini EFIS, which does include an internal GPS, so I have two sources for GPS information - both are WAAS, and they each require their own GPS antenna - which is included with the unit you buy. I think the only GRT EFIS currently available with an internal GPS included is the Mini. Most external GPS’s, including the SafeFly will work with GRT EFIS equipment.

Correction - maybe the -EX models have an internal GPS, as well as the Mini-X. Not sure. Their old website used to have a page that compared all of the EFIS models and what they included.
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The EX replacement for my old WS unit came standard with internal GPS. it was not an option I had to select.
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A thought...

Sell the Skybeacon and buy a SafeFly/EchoUAT combo from GRT. You can probably get enough for the Skybeacon that it will zero out the cost of the SafeFly/Echo. As a bonus the Echo can give you ADS-B in information on the 10.1 via a serial line from the SafeFly. If space is an issue (as it is by definition in an RV-3) you can install it behind the seat. Have done exactly that in a -3. Makes for an easy UAT antenna cable run too.
The SafeFly GPS/Echo also mounts right on the back of the 10.1:


Of course, the picture is upside down, and I don’t know how to change it.