
Well Known Member
I finally got around to updating my site and added a bunch of pics of the
GRT units in action during my recent trip to OSH. I've got pics of the XM
Weather, terrain, flight planning page and some pictures of the trip. Some of
these might be of use to those of you still on the fence.

FWIW, I have nothing but positive comments about the triple display units
in my panel. This shakedown trip was an eye opener on what the fully
integrated system offers. It's absolutely magical to see the EFIS units work
so well with the GNS430 and TT autopilot. Most of the trip to OSH and back
found me letting George do the work while I scanned for traffic and read the
charts. Enjoy.
Nice pics, Walter. Very motivating for sure. Thanks!

PS. Congrats on that other domain ;) Sounds like it'll be fun.
GReaT photos!

walter said:
I finally got around to updating my site and added a bunch of pics of the
GRT units in action during my recent trip to OSH. I've got pics of the XM
Weather, terrain, flight planning page and some pictures of the trip. Some of
these might be of use to those of you still on the fence.

FWIW, I have nothing but positive comments about the triple display units
in my panel. This shakedown trip was an eye opener on what the fully
integrated system offers.
These really do a good job of showing the system in action. The integration is impressive.

new engine page?

I read earlier that GRT had a new engine page layout at OSH. Does anyone have any pics of it?
Great write-up on the trip. I see you did your annual too. Annual!?! Can't believe it's been a year since I read about your first flight.

How did the P-mags fair?
Davepar said:
Great write-up on the trip. I see you did your annual too. Annual!?! Can't believe it's been a year since I read about your first flight.

How did the P-mags fair?
It's weird. It took me *forever* to get the 40 hours flown off and now
I double the hours in a couple of weeks. Nothing like having the plane
next to home with the bugs worked out.

The P-mags are running quite well, no issues to speak of. I do need to
do some adjusting with the fuel injectors, they aren't perfectly balanced
and the #4 cylinder peaks after all the rest and runs a tad hotter on
account of this and the oil cooler scavenging some of the cooling air
flow. Other than that, no issues to speak of.
OSH Trip


Good write up. Loved the comment about the Runaway Dog. Having lived in Central TX. between Austin and San Antonio, I can relate. A friend from West TX. once told me that in West TX., a cow has to graze at 50 miles an hour to get enough to eat.

Mannan Thomason
RV-8 N1G1RL (N161RL)
18 hrs. into Phase One (7 to go)