
Well Known Member
In the GRT manuals, they talk about a "MISSED" softkey. I have a Sport SX, 430W, Digiflight IIVSGV combo and have been looking for this softkey. I have done several LPV approaches in VFR conditions expressly looking for this to be displayed. I purposely set the decision height 500' high to give me ample time to look. I see the red lines appear on the altitude tape but no missed softkey. My Trutrak autopilot is controlled by the Sport and flys the approach hands off. I would like to be able to used the missed softkey to initiate a missed approach. Am I doing something wrong (won't be the first or last time)? Is the missed softkey hidden somewhere?

Thanks in advance,
Tom RV-7A N175TJ Flying
I am not sure if GRT sport is different the Horizon, but when I "arm" the EIFS for an approach (GPSV, ILS, LOC, VOR) then I will get a "missed" softkey which remains at the bottom of the screen with black back ground. I believe you will get the "missed" key only when you arm the approach. Also, the "missed" key on the EIFS will not fly the published miss, but if you push the OBS on the 430, then it will fly the published miss approach on GPS approaches.

I will take a test flight tomorrow to practice these.
This is an issue I had with my Horizon and now with my Sport. You are probably in a split screen and when so it does not come up. I brought that to their attention numerous times but so far it has never been fixed.
This is an issue I had with my Horizon and now with my Sport. You are probably in a split screen and when so it does not come up. I brought that to their attention numerous times but so far it has never been fixed.

This may be the answer. I always have the PFD display on the left side with either the moving map or the HSI on the left. Next time I try, I will try switching to full PFD before arming the approach. If this is successful, I will also call Grand Rapids and add my concerns.

Tom RV-7A N175TJ Flying
This is an issue I had with my Horizon and now with my Sport. You are probably in a split screen and when so it does not come up. I brought that to their attention numerous times but so far it has never been fixed.

confirmed, and this is the case. I tested it today and when I went to split screen, "missed" disapeared.