
Well Known Member
I'm trying to decide between a Garmin G5 and a GRT Mini series as my primary Nav indicator (HSI). The GPS/NAV/COM will be a GNS-480 and number 2 Nav/Com will be an SL-30. My flying will include moderate IFR as needed (I'm not out looking for 200 & 1/2, but if that's what I got when I arrive, I want to be prepared). AP integration not a factor.

Thoughts, comments and especially experiences are welcome.

As a "certified world" immigrant, I'm pretty familiar with Garmin products and there is plenty of info out on the G5. The GRT Mini series is much less familiar to me and harder to find details on.

Looking for solid info on which to base a buying decision.

"SEARCH" is your friend. LOTS of talk about the Mini in these forums.

I have a Mini-X and an HX. I love the bright yellow needles presented on the screen when the Mini is coupled to the SL30 or GNS480. Note that to get the full benefit of the 480 you will need to use the Arinc 429 interface so that puts you into the Mini-AP version. At that price point it starts to make sense to look at one of the larger EFIS units in order to get more display real estate.

Both the Mini and G5 use very good glass and LED backlights so they are a step up from older EFIS displays (like the HX). This same display technology is also found in GRT's other newer EFIS products like the HXr and the EX series of displays.
I recently installed a GRT Sport EX. Works great. I started out looking at a GRT mini or the others like it, however after looking at the prices for everything it just did not make sense not to go ahead with the Sport EX. However, I would recommend the GRT Horizon HX for IFR.
Just back from OSH and a great conversation with GRT

Like many people I was looking at the G5 from Garmin. I stopped at the Garmin tent and got a belly load of attitude. I mentioned I had one of their GNC300XL and asked about the G5 with it. I was treated like a leper and a peasant because I didn't have one of the new $6000 units. I left and decided that they really didn't want my money.
I found GRT and had a fantastic talk with them. I spoke to Greg who showed me the Mini-X and their other units. He explained what came included with the Mini-X and took time to understand my flying and my financial abilities. Now that I'm back from OSH, I'll be putting the order together for a GRT. He said when he was back from the show I should call and he would give me the list of GPS codes the various units recognize.
I've owned and flown behind both as PFDs in my RV-7. I had a fully optioned Mini and loved the significant functionality offered. It really is a complete EFIS in a small form factor. I took a CRJ first officer for some acro and he commented on the flight path indicator and how he needed to step up to jets to get one. I smiled.

Pros/Cons - upgrade path, more complete feature set (than a G5), slower startup to an attitude indication from a cold start / reset. The square hole mounting increased my installation time as I was starting with a 3 1/8 and a six pack. I didn't end up installing my second Mini (wanted a PFD/HSI/MFD combo) before changing panel direction.

I decided to go with a dual G3X and switched to an early G5 as my PFD (which would later become my backup). The G5 powers on quickly and has an attitude solution immediately (while it's still aligning). The display frame rate is super smooth and the number 'tapes' scroll nicely allowing trends to be easily identified. I like the fact that Garmin produces a 'substantially similar' certified unit. I miss functionality such as; OAT, AOA, wind vector, true airspeed, density altitude, ADS-B traffic, synthetic vision and so on that the only slightly larger Mini has. Yes, the G5 has a smaller display and I concede that it would difficult to display all of that information. I do feel that a OAT, DA, wind vector and perhaps a simplified AOA display could be integrated. I've flown the G5 for a few hundred hours and have found it to be rock solid. The pace of updates is slightly more frequent from Garmin. I've found GRTs support to be excellent and I like being able to speak with the engineer who decides whether my feature request will make the product development roadmap.

Dual Mini's would provide more functionality including mapping and engine pages. Dual G5s with a 660 would provide similar functionality (minus the engine display). I like that there's choice in the marketplace. The G5 offers really nice integration and backup for the G3X and the GRT Mini offers access to a larger (including legacy) ecosystem of navigators.
I started phase one of my rejuvenation of my clock panel. I decided that I’d be best served by going with two GRT minis. I am very happy with my setup.

Here is an “as planned” vs actual.

The specific details of my panel:
The top GRT is a mini AP with a back up battery. The bottom screen is actually a Mini GA. The Mini GA is actually GPS derived (instead of Pitot/static). So in my panel, I have a battery back up, in case of total power failure, and I have GPS derived in case of a pitot/static failure. Thats the best setup I could imagine without adding a stby alternator.



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Just a comment... I own a Mini-X, an HX, and just picked up a Sport EX at Oshkosh.

The Sport EX is just a bigger Mini-X. Same quality of glass (which is terrific), same look and feel, but with an extra button and an extra knob. Same internal AHARS, same capability to add an external digital magnetometer. Same built-in GPS. Same capabilities in terms of adding Synthetic Vision and Moving Maps.

If you have panel space, I would recommend considering the Sport EX to get a bit more display real estate for not a whole lot more money. Our eyeballs don't stay young forever... :)

Now I wish GRT would come up with an upgrade so I could get the same excellent glass on my HX as I have on the Mini and Sport EX. The old cold cathode fluorescent backlight on the HX, and lower resolution glass makes the HX look a bit dated (but still very, very good - loved using the HX to fly to OSH and back).