
Well Known Member
Anyone running the GRT Mini as their primary EFIS?

I know lots of you guys are running them as backup, but I'm considering one for a primary.
Mini X is my only EFIS

Yes I am using the GRT Mini X as my primary When I finished my 6 I kept it basic VFR due to budget considerations and wanting to get it in the air after an extended build time. I only had airspeed, altimeter, rate of climb, compass and slip indicator. Guess what, it flew wonderfully for 500 hrs. With a Garmin 296 it is a very capable traveling machine. Think of how many times Vans had flew planes from Oregon to OSH with similar set ups. That being said, there were several times when in haze or changing wx when having an attitude indicator would have made it more comfortable. That is why I installed the Mini and I love it. The addition of the Mini and a panel mounted tablet running ifly software has made it even more fun travelling.
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Yes I am using the GRT Mini X as my primary When I furnished my 6 I kept it basic VFR due to budget considerations and wanting to get it in the air after an extended build time. I only had airspeed, altimeter, rate of climb, compass and slip indicator. Guess what, it flew wonderfully for 500 hrs. With a Garmin 296 it is a very capable traveling machine. Think of how many times Vans had flew planes from Oregon to OSH with similar set ups. That being said, there were several times when in haze or changing wx when having an attitude indicator would have made it more comfortable. That is why I installed the Mini and I love it. The addition of the Mini and a panel mounted tablet running ifly software has made it even more fun travelling.

We lost our vac pump about 4 years ago and have been flying it sans Vac instruments since.

I've been thinking about updating the panel a little bit and am looking at the Mini X.
The Mini-X is a nice device. Very capable. I think the one thing that surprised me about it is how bright/crisp/clear the screen is. Many folks use either a Mini-X or a Dynon D10 as their backup instruments; the display on the Mini wins hands-down. Both the Mini and the Dynon present more than sufficient information to be used as a primary. If I were building an airplane with a tight cockpit, I'd look hard at a pair of Mini's for primary flight instruments and engine monitor.
I have a mini ap with battery backup as my primary for ifr. It's been great. Wish the screen was bigger but for the money it's excellent and I fly lpv approaches couples to the screen on it
I have a mini ap with battery backup as my primary for ifr. It's been great. Wish the screen was bigger but for the money it's excellent and I fly lpv approaches couples to the screen on it

Interesting - will the Mini display the vertical component of the LPV on the main screen?
Well that's all good to hear..

I'm considering 2 of them, and running one as an EIS.

Just weighing the cost. Don't "need" it, but I'd like to have it. ;)
Well that's all good to hear..

I'm considering 2 of them, and running one as an EIS.

Just weighing the cost. Don't "need" it, but I'd like to have it. ;)

You may want to consider a single screen G3X as an option, not much more $$ that 2 Mini's.
You may want to consider a single screen G3X as an option, not much more $$ that 2 Mini's.

Not much more money, but considerably more real estate on the panel, and still only a single AHARS, whereas the dual Mini solution gets you dual AHARS.

The more I look at the equipment available to us today, the more I feel incredibly lucky to be able to take advantage of all of the fantastic modern avionics to which we now have access. Who would ever have thought of having two independent attitude systems in a light GA airplane even a few years ago? We live in very positive times when it comes to Experimental avionics.
I considered doing this, but am really glad I didn't.

I went with the GRT Horizon HX and am much happier I chose this route. Look at the pic of the mini in post 19 of this thread and decide for yourself how intuitive the attitude indicator is at altitude:

That's a good point and something definitely worth considering, especially if the panel is going to serve as a solid IMC setup.

Given that in the last ~5 years or so, I haven't even had an attitude indicator in our 6, I should be ok.

I don't fly the 6 if it's IMC, just other alternatives out there for me.
I considered doing this, but am really glad I didn't.

I went with the GRT Horizon HX and am much happier I chose this route. Look at the pic of the mini in post 19 of this thread and decide for yourself how intuitive the attitude indicator is at altitude:

Just remember, you can operate the Mini X and AP in normal mode and it appears just like a normal EFIS ADI with no synthetic vision. The Mini B does not have the SV option.


On the Mini X and the Mini AP you go to the second level menu under next/more from first button push


and the second button from left gives you the option to turn SV ON, Terrain, or OFF. In OFF it's a normal ADI.


Hope this helps.

The GRT Mini B has been primary in the center of field of view since I removed the vacuum system. It is bright and easy to interpret. I trained hundreds of pilots when synthetic vision first appeared on the market. Even far away places like South Africa, where Jeppesen really did not know where the runways actually were at some airports..... Now I am enjoying more relaxing symbology and flying less in the clouds. BUT, the big screen TV's sure are enticing as you know.
The GRT Mini B has been primary in the center of field of view since I removed the vacuum system. It is bright and easy to interpret. I trained hundreds of pilots when synthetic vision first appeared on the market. Even far away places like South Africa, where Jeppesen really did not know where the runways actually were at some airports..... Now I am enjoying more relaxing symbology and flying less in the clouds. BUT, the big screen TV's sure are enticing as you know.

You're right. I think I'm just at a stage where I want something different to look at while flying.

I've been fine with the current setup, but sometimes, you just need a change. ;)
I installed a Mini-AP as my primary EFIS. Very capable instrument and I'm looking forward to completing my install by wiring in the magnetometer, ARINC (connected to a GNS-430) and interfacing to the Trutrak Vizion autopilot. I'm also keen to explore the flight director in the coming weeks.

I flew from LVK to KVGT this weekend. I did switch the synthetic vision on / off and tried the terrain view. When you're cruising high over the central valley, it's nice to be able to have a non-synthetic vision, standard AI presentation.

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