
Well Known Member
Is there a way to see details of a particular airspace(class B parts, MOA, ect) like you can with the airports. Sometimes with the class B rings it is hard to see the floor/ceiling altitudes that are upcoming.

Any suggestions?
Yes. Select them in the map the same way as an airport or navaid then push the button for details.
When I rotate the knob to select something it won't always select the airspace I want. It seems to grab airports and such.
GRT How To Get to Airspace Details

Push on the right knob once, then turn the knob, different parts of the map are highlighted and you just scroll through by turning the knob until the particular piece of airspace is highlighted, push the knob, and you are on the detailed info page for that section of airspace.

If I remember correctly the lower map ranges will also show the abbreviated floors and ceilings on the main map page. I don't fly in "airspace" that much.:D

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When I rotate the knob to select something it won't always select the airspace I want. It seems to grab airports and such.

Thats because the GRT moving map is junior and they have not done much if any work on it in quite a while.
Getting the airspace you want selected is a chore and it does not work well at all. Especially if you live in a busy space. Alt numbers on airspace is frequently wrong, out of place, or unreadable.
I guess I'm not doing anything wrong, its just not as slick as I had hoped it was.