
I'm New Here
Hi All

I'm in New Zealand building and RV8 and considering a GRT sport EX for my VFR (no future IFR requirements) panel. My question is the availability of Nav and Terrain data for the New Zealand area for the GRT. The advice from GRT is that Jeppeson provide this but I've not had any luck finding it on their site. Is there anyone using GRT in New Zealand or perhaps Australia? How are you handling Nav and Terrain data?

If Nav/Map data is not available at a reasonable annual price, my thinking is to use a Sport EX for my EFIS and EMS data and a Garmin Aera 660 (which I already have) for the VFR Nav data and to drive the AP. How about terrain data for the synthetic vision component of the EFIS? Is this a different data set to the Jeppeson?

All advice appreciated

Best regards


RV8 under construction
Bolkow Junior flying
Sonex scratch built completed and sold
Originally the international database that was available via GRT contained the files we needed however somewhere along the way these have fallen off the website and, like you, I've not been able to locate them via the Jeppeson website. I'm running a separate GPS with a serial link to the EFIS so my GRT mapping is using that information for the airspace and hopefully the shape of New Zealand and the location of the mountains hasn't changed since the 2012 map (I think) was loaded.

If you or somebody else here does find the NZ info I'd sure appreciate hearing about it. Maybe Karl has some additional intel on this?

Whats the rego of your 208?
OzRunways EFB can supply Dynon map/avdata for Australia. Maybe check with them to see if the "Australia" coverage happens to include NZ in the same database.

- mark
Thanks Mike - I think for a VFR set up I would be happy if I had the terrain base map in the efis and the Garmin GPS as the Nav source. That said maybe GRT is a No-Go here in NZ due to data.

Mark - good point about Dynon and OzRunways - I'll look more into Dynon again as this may save an annual subscription. They however seem to have stopped making their simpler units and I'm trying to avoid overdoing things for my VFR only aeroplane.

My Junior is ZK-CJF, hopefully taking it to the Ashburton fly in if you are going

You can buy navdata for the GRT for ANZ - but Jeppesen don't make it very easy.

Try these contact details:

[email protected]

Tel: +49 6102 50 70

I get billed about 165 Euro/year for this data. On my invoice, it says this:

Revision Service.28-Days.Annual
NavData.Coverage.GRT.Horizon & Sport.VFR.Europe
03-NOV-22 through 02-NOV-23
Tail Number: HBYMM

I have European coverage, but they sell the same for other regions.

I mainly use my ipad for navigation, and keep this database up to date mainly because it does provide a 2nd check on airspace, plus if something happens, I don't want to explain that I was flying with something out of date!
Thanks for that contact point Mickey, I'll definitely give that a nudge.

I'm not sure the OzRunways EFB is compatible with the GRT gear but I'd be happy if someone could confirm it is. I use OzRunways on my tablet for planning but not in the cockpit. Thanks for the idea Mark... its worth further investigation.

Paul - the data I have in my Ye Olde Original screens provides a map of NZ as well as terrain. It also has the main airports loaded but naturally not some of the smaller places. If I can extract that map file I'm more than happy to flick it to you.

And yes, I'll be at Ashburton. Planning on flying up and back each day if wx permits. Our Bolkow won't be there though as I'll be taking the RV-6. My father used to have CJH (208C) and we did a lot of flying in that awesome wee aircraft. They're great machines and so cheap to run. Lots of great memories.

Lets see what we can do with this new info.

Micky +1 thankyou for the contact point for Jeppesen.

Mike - look forward to seeing you at Ashburton! Please report back if you have success with Jeppesen!


I received a response from Jeppesen. Long story short they have a database available and the cost is about $300 per year.

Paul - I'll PM you the details.
Paul if I can stick my 2 cents worth in here I have looked at all the options. My take on it all for us in NZ is that the Dynon option is the most cost effective. Full database updates for obstacle, terrain and charts is $169/ year through AvPlan. The AvplanEFB app also works well to load preplanned flight plans. OzRunways also offers similar updates but not for the obstacle database according to a recent communication but their update is a bit cheaper as it includes the iPad app. Give me a call if you need any more info