
Well Known Member
Shortish rave review.

Have their Sport SX 200 EFIS with the legacy magnatometer.

Started getting wonky magnatometer issues on a flight then on a preflight.

Asked for advice, received what to look for and did a recorded flight in nice day vfr vmc. Saw wandering heading, error status messages, wind vector arrow went away, etc. Switched to GPS track instead of mag headings and emailed the data file.

Jeff and Mark and the techs read my flight recording files and talked me through troubleshooting.

Checked wires, interferences, etc. No issues there were found.

Sent in the magnatometer for a bench check using their service request form. Got another back with a very reasonable fee quickly.

Installed, ground checked good on existing calibration and flight checked back to all good.

It's not just how it works that matters, it's how they get you back in the air, too!
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