
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I have a new GRT Sport SX EFIS that I am trying to connect. It has the internal GPS. Which serial port does the internal GPS use? What baud rate? Both input and output or input only?

Thanks in advance,
Tom RV-7A N175TJ Flying
Usually uses Port 3 and it's at 4800... but typically it's already preset at factory wtih those settings.. it'd be surprising if it wasn't... Yes, it's both in and out..
It Works!

Thanks for the help. Setting both the input and output for serial 3 made the internal unit work. It would have been nice if this was documented somewhere in the setup or installaton instructions. I looked online as well and found no mention of this. This website, however, puts a person in touch with alot of very knowledgable people.

RV-7A N175TJ Flying
I installed a similar configuration a year ago and didn't recall any difficulty figuring out how to set it up. My internal GPS was already configured by GRT on serial port 3 (in and out). Also, page 10-3 of the Sport Install Manual shows serial port 3 for the internal GPS.
My page 10-3 shows the setup for a "slave unit". I did not look at this because I was installing a single Sport, not the Master-Slave setup. My Bad!

RV-7A N175TJ Flying