
Well Known Member
GRT announced at Sun and Fun that they will be offering LPV approaches on their Hx/HXr systems when equipped with their $500 GPS. They caution that they do not have FAA approval; individual owner/operators will need to verify and document that the equipment meets the required specifications, prior to use under IFR. IMHO this is a tall order, bound to be opposed by local FSDOs. OTOH I see this as a good start in eliminating the shamefully high current price of entry-level approved boxes.
Good for them, but good luck to anyone who thinks they can actually get approval from the FAA to acutally use that capability legally.
I the biggest problem I see immediately is what happens when someone flys an IFR approach in instrument conditions and has an accident. Will they?re insurance cover any claims resulting from the unauthorized activity?
To Jim's point... Hardware is one thing, but IFR databases are a completely different kettle of fish. Who is going to produce the approved IFR database for the GRT units, and will they take responsibility for the accuracy of their data?

I've been looking at Jepp data for my GRT HX for flight in Canada. After watching several database errors be propagated cycle after cycle, I have zero confidence in Jepp data for VFR use, let alone IFR use.
Who?s really responsible?

It is absolutely amazing how long it takes to get simple corrections to frequencies on the chart subscriptions. Here in KSSI a new unicom freq was published and NOTAMed back in January. Nary a mention on anybodies plates.

Still pays to read all the NOTAMs because Uncle Sugar sure isn?t watching out for you!
Good for them, but good luck to anyone who thinks they can actually get approval from the FAA to acutally use that capability legally.

I tend to agree. But, 10 years ago, I would also have said that I'd never live to see the day the FAA allowed a non-TSO EFIS to replace a primary instrument in a 172. Or, for that matter, a non-TSO'd gps to be used in an ADSB-out box. Maybe I'm just a crazy optimist!
Bring it. A GRT employee mentioned the possibility of this to me a year ago in a phone conversation. I was excited then, more excited now. I already have the SafeFly GPS. Would gladly upgrade my Sport SX to an HXr to get the capability. I?m a VFR pilot thinking all the time about an instrument rating but discouraged by the buy in cost to add an approach certified GPS navigator. I have no interest in flying serious enroute IFR in real conditions in my RV-7, at least out west, but would love to be able to bust through coastal fog layers.