
Well Known Member
This is just an informational request.

Since I've updated to the latest software version, 5, 2/15/17, my logbook has been consistently adding a leg when I first start up. It also seems to be doing this while my Garmin 650 is booting up and locating itself. The leg is from a private airport in Kansas, (03PR), near GARMN, which is always displayed on the NAV leg while the 650 does the needles check on the EFIS. It's only for 20 to 30 seconds, but is added as a leg in the Logbook section. It seems to coincide with the time I'm checking the EFIS for indications from the 650 as the time varies by a few seconds every time.

3/4/2017 KHKY 9A0 1:06 1.1 8.4 15:59:13 17:02:41 810.5 VFR
3/5/2017 03PR 9A0 0:00 0 0 18:16:43 18:17:11 810.5 VFR
3/5/2017 9A0 KOGB 1:09 1.1 9.4 18:20:10 19:26:24 811.7 IFR
3/6/2017 03PR KOGB 0:01 0 0.1 0:14:33 0:14:55 811.7 VFR
3/6/2017 KOGBKSSI 1:01 1 8.3 0:17:29 1:16:26 812.7 IFR
3/9/2017 03PR KSSI 0:00 0 0 16:09:04 16:09:30 812.8 VFR
3/9/2017 KSSI 9A0 1:43 1.7 0 16:13:26 17:54:46 814.5 VFR

I've discussed this with Jeff and he had not seen it yet. Just wondering is anyone else is noticing this. Would you please let me know if you are?

I have updated to the latest s/w, but do not use the HXr's logbook function. Let me know if the logbook function needs to be turned on. If not, I can look at my logbook in the next couple of days for you and see if I am getting those legs.

It does not need to be turned on. From the main screen just push MORE, and one of the softkeys says LOGBOOK. Press that and you are there. It's somewhat editable, you can put FUEL, OIL, PAX and TYPE, IFR r VFR. I download it and put it in EXEL. Nice easy electronic logbook.

I'vebeen using it for years. Will save something like 500 legs internally and gives you the option to download to USB stick and import to EXEL.
It does not need to be turned on. From the main screen just push MORE, and one of the softkeys says LOGBOOK. Press that and you are there. It's somewhat editable, you can put FUEL, OIL, PAX and TYPE, IFR r VFR. I download it and put it in EXEL. Nice easy electronic logbook.

I'vebeen using it for years. Will save something like 500 legs internally and gives you the option to download to USB stick and import to EXEL.

I knew it was there, but never played with it. It sounds like a valuable tool. Maybe I'll start using it. I should be able to get to the airport and look at it and report back.

I have HXr and GTN 650, both running current firmware.
I use the GRT log set to use 25kts to 25kts for flight time.
Flew this morning and when checked log, just my flights.
Thanks Bert, I too have 25 to 25 set. Will have to see if that may have changed.

Thanks for the response.
I pulled my logbook details yesterday and I have the 03PR legs each time I powered the unit on (even if I didn't fly). This started in late Feb, which is when I did the update. I didn't have the time to look at my settings but they should be the default, as I never modified them. Mine is connected to a 430W. I would bet that Garmins are sending the the airport code as a test, just like they light up the annunciators and show a CDI deflection during power up. GRT must have changed something in the code that is now accepting this as valid flight data.

For me, I installed the 430W around the time that I did the update, so cannot say for sure whether this would have happened for me on the old release.

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Just a thought - Is there an "always on" 12V power connection for the GNS430 that is not connected? Could this cause the 430 to reset each time you turn it off to factory settings instead of keeping its memory of where it was when you turned it off?
Thanks Larry. Same thing for me. Started with software update.
I did go into the EIS and changed flight time parameters thinking maybe this would change how it computes. Bert brought up the time setting above.

I couldn't find applicable settings in SET MENU, so am going to see if EIS may make a difference. Way back when, I was getting a new leg at the top of every loop based on ground speed settinds so changed them to zero high and low and that fixed that.
I'll let Jeff at GRT know about Larry's log and keep everyone informed if we come up with something.
Way back when, I was getting a new leg at the top of every loop based on ground speed settinds so changed them to zero high and low and that fixed that.

Being a software guy, I'll take a guess at what is happening. If there is a setting that starts and stops logbook flight capture based upon ground speed, like the demo recording, setting that to 1 or 2 should fix it. As I mentioned, I will bet that the Garmin's are sending the waypoint or lat/lon coordinates as part of their power on test routine. If you have the GS threshold set >0 and you're not moving during the power on, it shouldn't capture the leg. This seems to be be confirmed by the other poster. I would guess that a setting of 1 or 2 still should keep you from ending legs at the top of the loop.

If you tell me where the log settings are, I will change mine and confirm this. I would further speculate that the previous version ignored the POST data (possibly unintentionally) and while addressing a different problem, they introduced this new behavior. It happens all the time in the s/w business.

Being a software guy, I'll take a guess at what is happening. If there is a setting that starts and stops logbook flight capture based upon ground speed, like the demo recording, setting that to 1 or 2 should fix it. As I mentioned, I will bet that the Garmin's are sending the waypoint or lat/lon coordinates as part of their power on test routine. If you have the GS threshold set >0 and you're not moving during the power on, it shouldn't capture the leg. This seems to be be confirmed by the other poster. I would guess that a setting of 1 or 2 still should keep you from ending legs at the top of the loop.

If you tell me where the log settings are, I will change mine and confirm this. I would further speculate that the previous version ignored the POST data (possibly unintentionally) and while addressing a different problem, they introduced this new behavior. It happens all the time in the s/w business.


Thanks Larry. I heard back from Jeff and GRT and he's still looking into this. He did tell me that he put a 20 second delay in the logging programming to stop the problem with the loop problem back an update or two ago. In this latest release they added the new ground speed setting for the ADSB ground switching. I changed mine from AUTO to 30. I'm going to try it back in AUTO just to see if that makes a difference. I'll have to dig around and find where the GS settings are for the log/flight timers.
Thanks Larry. I heard back from Jeff and GRT and he's still looking into this. He did tell me that he put a 20 second delay in the logging programming to stop the problem with the loop problem back an update or two ago. In this latest release they added the new ground speed setting for the ADSB ground switching. I changed mine from AUTO to 30. I'm going to try it back in AUTO just to see if that makes a difference. I'll have to dig around and find where the GS settings are for the log/flight timers.

Let Jeff know that the log entry is always 03PR -> your current location. This supports the theory that the HXr sees the lat/lon for Olathe during the startup test and then a few seconds later sees the lat/lon for your current location. This is likely forcing the HXr logic to record that as a flight leg. He needs to introduce some logic to filter out that situation. The problem is that it will "usually" be associated with HX startup, but will also happen any time you turn on your Garmin device.
