
Well Known Member
I thought the GRT video would stream slowly, however much to my surprise the video is clean and real time.

Now if they could overlay airspeed and AOA..........



Nope, no one on my six.....

What is cam #3 viewing?

Is this capability on the Horizon only or the "sport" version too?

I know the HX has the capibility......

Cam 3 is on the floor looking at the rudder peddles, needs to be mounted up top...
I am using a 12vdc quad splitter and color bullet cameras. The tail camera is waterproof since it is underwater at times.

depends on what you want to see.
*Wider the angle, closer the object.
*Narrower the angle, further the object.
*I/R cameras are only good for seeing about 20 feet at night, yea, yea I know what they say.
*Color cameras go Black & white at night.

I also get some great video
There is no record feature correct?
I had my bullet camera on the screen. But without a record feature, say to the USB stick, whats the point?
There is no record feature correct?
I had my bullet camera on the screen. But without a record feature, say to the USB stick, whats the point?

It's really designed for a Forward Looking Infrared camera. GRT has one in the works that you can use with their EFIS. They were playing with it at OSH this year.

It's not meant to be a video recorder.
Purchase a small DVR from the above. Send the video to the DVR and the HX with a T connector
Your IR camera may work much better if you cool it. Use Peltier coolers designed for computer CPUs, cold side towards camera. Removing heat from the camera keeps it from "seeing" it's own internal heat causing washout.
I am getting ready to set up my HX with an aux video input, can you provide me with the correct pinout/wiring info?


Its USB so all you really need is USB extention from the unit to what every you hook your video to.
HX Video Interface

Correction Kahuna.

Video input (HX only): The HX has a full-screen VIDEO page for viewing cameras mounted on the aircraft, such as FLIR. The VIDEO button is on the PFD menu. The HX does not have built-in video input hardware and requires a USB video adapter. We designed the HX video input to work with a GrabBee X+ deluxe, which has Composite and S-Video inputs. The model must match exactly. The USB driver in the HX has not been tested with and may not work with any other versions of the GrabBee. (This also assumes the manufacturer of the GrabBee does not redesign the unit with a different chipset under the same name in the future.) The full size 640x480 mode has a small delay in the input. The Capture Size can be adjusted to 320x240 in General Setup to improve response time at the expense of detail. The "Video Input" setting selects Composite (0) or S-Video (1). (The video input is not ideal for entertainment, due to the lag that would exist between the video and audio.)

Carlos Fernandez
GRT Avionics
Yes thanks.
I did put the Brabbee USB video in the line as well.
Forgot about that thing being needed too.
So, anybody know what what the equivalent to a human eye is??

The only one I know about is 35mm SLRs...for that, a 55mm focal length lens matches the human eye. Dunno about other systems (like digital, or video cameras, etc.)...would depend on the size of the sensor + lens FL.
I know this is a very old post, but I have a GRT HX and would like to display video from a remote mounted camera on it. From old posts there seemed to be a specific adapter that was required for the USB... but that was a decade ago and other adapters may work now.

Does anyone know what will currently work today?