
Active Member
Ok, dumb question I’m sure but want to make sure I am not missing something.

I have the setting set on the “VOR CDI on Localizer” to Yes as I would like this on the PFD when on approach.

When I am not tuned to a VOR, my attitude reference indicator shows (as Bars) on the pfd. When I put the 430 into vloc mode and I am picking up any VOR, the CDI shows up on the PFD and my Attitude Reference Indicator disappears.

When navigating in cruise to a VOR, it would be great to still have the BARS attitude reference indicator.

Is this just not possible if I want a cdi on localizer or is there another setting I am missing?

Thanks for any thoughts!
You must have selected ‘needles’ as the display mode. This puts full sized needles on top of the pfd display. GRT says it is too cluttered to show both the left-right deviation dots and the horizontal attitude bars, so they show only the dots in place of the horizon bar. I don’t like it either. Solutions:
(1) in the set up change needles to ‘scales’. Attitude bars are restored, GS shows as a small pointer running up/down on a vertical scale off to the right (just left of altitude); left/right deviation shows as a small pointer running left/right along a scale near the bottom.
(2) change to ‘scales’ as above, but split the screen 2/3 PFD, 1/3 HSI. HSI will show primary nav in the usual way, with a course deviation bar. For precision approaches a GS bar is superimposed. You can also set it up with additional nav info (2nd vor, gps) showing as RMI needles. This is handy, for example, shooting the LOC 29R at KSCK. Set primary nav as the localizer, 2nd nav to a VOR cross fix. RMI needle will show correct bearing at FAF. Also, ADSB-in traffic will appear in the background. This is how I use my Hx, mostly, I guess, because I’m an older guy and still like round-dial DGs and HSI’s(!).
Can’t thank you enough Bob. Yes, I do have Needles selected so this helps tremendously. I definitely like the needles better than scales but really don’t like not having the attitude reference while in cruise so will switch to scales. Wish GRT would figure out a way to incorporate with needles but at least I have the solution.

Thank you - it would have taken hours to stumble on the fix....