
Well Known Member
I have a dual screen GRT system. One of the screens is the HX and the other is the HS. What is the best way to use this combo? Should I use the HX in the primary flight display mode and the HS in the MAP mode or vice versa? Does it really matter? The HS doesn't have the ARINC option. So, the 430 will be connected to the HX. Other equipment includes 430, GTX 327, Digiflight II VSVG, SL40 or A210 and GMA347.

I would

put the HX on as a map. The PFD works great in HS, but the mapping can be slow. I noticed this recently, that it really hangs up trying to highlight airspaces or displaying terrain in the higher ranges. Since both will do all three functions you can toggle the HX in PFD mode if you want to check out the synthetic vision.

I have a three WS system and have been considering starting the upgrade process with just my middle screen for the mapping.

The way I have it is the HX on top with the PFD/Synthetic Vision/Engine strip across the bottom. The HS is on the bottom and used for systems monitoring and the map when I want it (I also have a 696, so that does most of the map job. ARINC comes from the HX (built in). I have a GRT RAIM GPS module on the HS as a #2 GPS. Number 1 GPS is, of course, the 430, and the two GPS streams get passed between the two DU's via the interlink.

I expect that you'll find the Synthetic Vision a much better use of the HX than the map - trust me! (The map is a work in progress - the SV is great in the mountains - I've been playing with it all week at my secret, undisclosed location out west!)

HX as primary with HS for map and Engine Monitor

I agree with Paul. You really want the HX hooked up as the primary and PFD. I love shotting VFR approaches with the system set up on GPSS and it showing the boxes as I come down to the runway.

The way I have it is the HX on top with the PFD/Synthetic Vision/Engine strip across the bottom. The HS is on the bottom and used for systems monitoring and the map when I want it (I also have a 696, so that does most of the map job. ARINC comes from the HX (built in). I have a GRT RAIM GPS module on the HS as a #2 GPS. Number 1 GPS is, of course, the 430, and the two GPS streams get passed between the two DU's via the interlink.

I expect that you'll find the Synthetic Vision a much better use of the HX than the map - trust me! (The map is a work in progress - the SV is great in the mountains - I've been playing with it all week at my secret, undisclosed location out west!)

Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to start out with the HX on top and use it mainly in PFD mode with the engine info on the strip along the bottom (i.e. like Paul suggested). I am sure looking forward to powering these guys up! I hope to be cutting holes for them soon. Sure are a lot of wires!
Thanks for the replies. I think I am going to start out with the HX on top and use it mainly in PFD mode with the engine info on the strip along the bottom (i.e. like Paul suggested). I am sure looking forward to powering these guys up! I hope to be cutting holes for them soon. Sure are a lot of wires!

And if you leave about 6 extra inches of slack in the harnesses, then you can swap them top-for-bottom if you REALLY hate it!;)

Lot of wires? remember, each wire only has two ends - that simplifies it a lot....
A work in progress: HX and HS

I just upgraded to one HX and one HS and put the HS on top. Synthetic vision is not a priority in the flatlands where I fly the most and I wanted the HX map on the bottom. Now I find that with the map on the bottom screen it is difficult to see some of the map detail because I cannot view the map straight on. It loses some detail when viewed at an angle. I just can't get low enough in the seat to see it directly. I think I will swap the screens and see if the map detail is easier to read on the top screen. Fortunately I have enough slack in the wire bundles to do that.
I'm also considering tilting the bottom screen up a bit to get a better view, but that will take a lot of work. I'll try swapping them first.
... Now I find that with the map on the bottom screen it is difficult to see some of the map detail because I cannot view the map straight on. It loses some detail when viewed at an angle. I just can't get low enough in the seat to see it directly. I think I will swap the screens and see if the map detail is easier to read on the top screen. Fortunately I have enough slack in the wire bundles to do that.
I'm also considering tilting the bottom screen up a bit to get a better view, but that will take a lot of work. I'll try swapping them first.

I had been wondering about this as well. Is the viewing angle issue only with the HX (because of the higher resolution)? Or is it a problem with the HS? Have others experienced this problem?

I am at the stage where I expect to make the big rectangular cut in the panel for the two screens very soon (this week). I am wondering if I should look at an alternative layout that brings the #2 screen up higher. Tilting the lower screen up is also an alternative.

I had been wondering about this as well. Is the viewing angle issue only with the HX (because of the higher resolution)? Or is it a problem with the HS? Have others experienced this problem?


I think it is more critical to have the HX at the right viewing angle just because there is more fine detail to view and it is more difficult to pick out that detail if not viewed perpendicular to the screen. Both the HX and HS have high resolution. If you are building now it would be easy to tilt any of the screens for a better viewing angle. I would go that route.
Thanks, Ron. I am going to explore ways of tilting the lower screen up. How far out do you think would be about right (distance the lower edge of the GRT screen should be from the panel)? Also, how tall are you?
Thanks, Ron. I am going to explore ways of tilting the lower screen up. How far out do you think would be about right (distance the lower edge of the GRT screen should be from the panel)? Also, how tall are you?


I'm 6 feet tall, but my seat cushion is about worn out so I sit with my head about 4 inches from the canopy. YOU should sit in the seat and tilt the GRT until you look at it at about a 90-degree angle. For ME that puts the lower edge of the screen about 3/4 inch away from the panel.

(I just tried to swap my screens and the USB cable gets in the way of my AHRS when I do that, so I will be tilting the screens when I get a chance.)