
Well Known Member

I have dual GRT HX screens with a 430W. For some reason the ILS bars are stuck on my PFD screens. Cant get them off. It wasn?t always like this I?m confident I did not change anything in the set up pages and I made sure it?s not on ILS on the bottom selection.

Any suggestions?

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Dumb question maybe... Which interface type are you using to drive the HX units?
GRT wiring diagram suggests driving one with Arinc 429 data, and the other with analog outputs from 430. If you followed this recommendation, which unit has the "stuck" bars?

If it's the one using analog signals, check wiring for chafing/shorts etc that could cause the analog flag signal to be pegged, thus always saying "ILS active" to the HX.
It?s actually on both screens when they are on the PFD page. It makes me think it?s a setting, because i did not always have this issue. The problem is I never changed the settings.
ILS frequency

Silly thought, but make sure you don't have an ILS frequency in the 430 as active. Even with it in GPS mode the bars will be displayed if there's any ILS frequency in the active nav side of your 430.
Check that you don't have an ILS frequency selected in the Nav of your GNS430.

I did a practice ILS and couldn't figure out why the bars stayed up until I realized the 430 Nav was still trying to fly that ILS!

Jim Butcher
Problem Solved!

Not sure how much money & time you guys just saved me! But I surely appreciate it! It was on a ILS Freq!

Thanks again!
I have the older WS system. I was also frustrated by the ILS bars until I saw my 430 (non WAAS) had the ILS frequency still dialed in. As the saying goes, ?there are those that have and those that will.?

Because I?ve often stumbled in flight setting up my aircraft for an ILS or GPS approach, I developed an ?Instrument Approach Procedures? checklist just after my ?Descent? checklist to help me remember the ?buttonology sequence? for setting up for an instrument approach.

This checklist really helps me correctly configure my RV for the type of instrument approach I?m getting ready to fly and minimizes those surprise course deviations that occur when you?ve failed to correctly setup your panel. Especially important if it?s been a while since I?ve flown a coupled approach.