
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I seriously doubt that this video will be nominated for ANY awards, but for people wondering what the new Grand Rapids Hi-Res displays with the new airspeed and altitude “tapes” look like, here is a couple of minutes worth that I shot today climbing out of the Houston area en-route to Llano for lunch. (Note that this is NOT the HX with synthetic vision – these are the High Resolution HS displays using the new software, but do not have the faster processors that the HX will use to do the SV stuff…..) YouTube REALLY took the resolution out of this - sorry.....

A couple of notes:

1) Yes, I am out of trim in the climb – I was concentrating on holding the camera still, used my right knee to do that, and didn’t even notice I needed to add more right rudder, so get off my back! ;)
2) The dots all over the screens are dust – they weren’t apparent to the naked eye, but the camera sure caught them! Time to get out the LCD cleaner….
3) I pan down to the lower screen to show how leaning looks with the EGT graph. See how the EGT’s all come together as the engine reaches the “sweet spot”? That's #4 coming up to meet the others. Pretty simple!
4) I like the new tapes – and I am not sure why! My eyes are drawn to them much more than to the old versions – I even found myself using htem rather than the analog backup gauges that usually catch the corner of my eye!
5) The new VSI display has both a needle and a digital readout – nice!

A couple of stills:

The PFD page with the new “Transparent Tapes” and the HS engine data strip on the bottom


The Map page with the airspeed and altitude tapes on the sides – new in version 31!


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Thanks for the demo. It sure helps to see it in action. Wish it was sharper. But I got what I needed out of it. You would think that GRT would to do something like that.
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4) I like the new tapes ? and I am not sure why! My eyes are drawn to them much more than to the old versions ? I even found myself using htem rather than the analog backup gauges that usually catch the corner of my eye!
5) The new VSI display has both a needle and a digital readout ? nice!
I agree - both are great improvements. They are less cluttered and the important stuff is shown in large numbers.

Thanks for posting.

Thanks for posting that, Paul. Very interesting to see some of the new features! I'm in love with GRT even more now.

If you ever have the time, now that you have the new screens, I'd love to see a re-do of the brief scene in your YouTube video called "A Little Acro Break" where you filmed the screen during a roll. I'm curious about the screen-update rate in the new displays.
Better Resolution Video

Rick Pellicciotti graciously helped me out by uploading the original video to his web site and providing a link so those that want to see it a little better can do so.

To access the video, go to:

Click on "Slide Shows and Videos Page"

Near the top of the page, there is a link that says, "Paul Dye's GRT HS
EFIS demo video". It is best if you right-click the link and choose
to "save target as". This will save the video to your local hard drive
and you can play it from there. The file size is 15MB.

You can also try to click on the link directly and the file will stream
through Windows Media Player. There may be performance problems with
this method if there are a lot of accesses going on at the same time.

On the map page display, I figgered you were just "boldly going where no man has gone before ... Star Date 2063",etc, etc. .... . :D