
Well Known Member
Hey gang, I got my new GRT HS screen in and looking to power it on the bench, all I am getting is a white screen. I have power and ground hooked up using the cable supplied by GRT through appropriate fuses. I have the cable hooked up between the AHRS and the display with power going to both.

Any ideas why I am getting the white screen. I have also tried just powering up the screen.
Two thoughts

1. It takes a while to boot up - it's a computer.
2. If you have waited and nothing happens, call GRT.
Measure the supply voatage

If the supply voltage is low, the computer may not boot up, but it is still possible to power the LCD backlight and get a white screen. Measure the supply voltage to be sure that's not the problem.
be sure the pins on the magnemometer cable are not shorting together (if it is not hooked up).
Hi Dana,

Simple problem - it is the voltage! Todd told me that as part of the boot-up process they drive the screens to full bright (for some reason - I didn't ask) for a moment. I have found that if I boot up directly from my Aux battery, my #2 DU boots up OK, the #1 goes to full bright and then reboots - repeatedly. AS soon as I bring on ship's power, it does just fine. The only difference between the two DU's is that #1 has the RAIM GPS module, and #2 has the ARINC module - I don't know, but I suspect they have different power draws.

It is possible, of course, that you have a problem unit, but try hooking it up to a good, solidly charged battery, or bench source at 13+ volts to make sure.

Report back - this is something I have been curious about!

Hi Dana,

Simple problem - it is the voltage! Todd told me that as part of the boot-up process they drive the screens to full bright (for some reason - I didn't ask) for a moment.
It is possible, of course, that you have a problem unit, but try hooking it up to a good, solidly charged battery, or bench source at 13+ volts to make sure.

Report back - this is something I have been curious about!


Will do and that was my thinking. Paul, your scenario supports such. I'll let ya'll know.

BTW, gang if you are on the fence thinking about a GRT unit......get off the fence. This box is full of goodies!!
Yup, it'll be voltage

I have one HS MFD running on my bench, and it took a touch more voltage than I'd initially set for the power supply to boot.

I was testing the bootable range, so that was good.

Wish I could find that data again....
Well..............13.8 volts from a plug in power supply wouldn't boot it!!

Just to make sure I would connect it to your car battery. Some power supplies can not supply the initial surge current.

It is very rare for a unit to be dead on arival.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.
Just to make sure I would connect it to your car battery. Some power supplies can not supply the initial surge current.

It is very rare for a unit to be dead on arrival.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.

Will do Todd, no worry totally satisfied customer;) What this box will do is amazing. I only wish I would not have to totally rewire and reharness Black Magic to put in your full complement. Nice work!!
Just to make sure I would connect it to your car battery. Some power supplies can not supply the initial surge current.

It is very rare for a unit to be dead on arival.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.

I used a portable "booster pack" initially, but got sick of recharging it so I could go "flying" on the simulator.

It also made a difference how long and what gauge the wires from the battery to the MFD are. A long tiny wire will drop more voltage under load than a shorter, fatter wire will.

The voltage dip at the MFD is not long, but it does occur.
I didn't notice this when I measured at my test point (conveniently a couple of wire-feet away, at the booster pack).
I agree that it is the voltage, but...

If your GRT is not brand new and it has a GPS in it, you may have one of the ones from a few months back that had a problem with booting when the voltage was a bit low.

I shipped the Horizon I back to GRT that had the GPS in it around the January timeframe after talking to Carlos. When it came back, the problem was gone. Apparently, this was an issue between the motherboard and the GPS.

Of course this may have nothing to do with your particular issue.