
Well Known Member
Katie B. or anyone,
I recently purchased an RV8 project, it came with a pair of GRT Horizon Series I
EFIS and MFD, older units, never used. I have the installation and operating instructions, however, there are no "Screen Shots" in either document. Does anyone know where I could find some screen shots, UTube was no help, I am trying to decide if I should upgrade, trade in these units for the later versions, or go with what I have. Upgrade cost considerable. What will I get for that $$.
If you click here and then click on the wide screen EFIS thumbnail right next to the "Which unit do I have?" question, you'll get the only Horizon I WS screenshot I have. The main differences you'll see between this and the newer systems:

1. Lower screen resolution
2. No option for Synthetic Vision
3. Engine instrumentation cannot be displayed as a strip across the bottom (not enough room on the screen) -- however, it can be displayed as a full screen with one button press.
4. The HX series has a lot of nice new features such as the ability to display charts, Bluetooth connection with Android, better USB capability for ADS-B receivers, etc. You'd miss out on the new updates with the Horizon I.

GRT isn't taking trades on them anymore, as far as I know, but you still see them for sale here on VAF once in a while. There are people out there that would probably want one as a spare in case theirs dies. Upgrade to a 6.5" HX screen is not difficult if/when you want to do it, because it uses the same wiring and AHRS.

If I were you I'd probably use the existing screens but design the instrument panel with enough space around them to accommodate new HXs or a single HXr at some point. Personally, I'm at that point in the build now where all the high dollar stuff "comes due" at once, so I'm in favor of flying with whatever is cheap!
There are a number of us that still have the original Horizons. I have been using mine for the past 4 years and really have no immediate plans to upgrade.

Here are a couple of things that the older units don't do. (Maybe more)

1) No display of PDF approach charts. (I use an Android tablet)
2) No interfacing with the android app from GRT.
3) Due to the screen pixel size, no graphical engine data on the bottom of the PFD screen as is available with the newer models.
4) No video display from external camera.
5) Newer models have more data on the PFD screen (Like traffic in 3D I think)

From a positive standpoint:

1) Same robust AHRS
2) Same autopilot
3) Same interconnectivity with all the navigators.
4) Interconnects to ADSB fine.
5) You own it........

There is a screen shot of the WS on this page. Click it to enlarge


In my view, it is a personal choice on whether you upgrade now or not. The ones you have will give great service and are way better than anything you will find in a common spamcan rental....but, no they are not as capable as the more recent offerings from GRT.

Good luck with your decision. :)

Gah!, Katie beat me!
I flew with the original screens for 4 years, and they did a fine job.

Last year I upgraded to the HX 8.4" units and am glad I did.

Nothing wrong with the first gen units, but my poor old eyes sure do appreciate the new screens.

I agree with Katie, use the ones you have, upgrade if/when it is convenient to do so.

Here is a screen shot for you.

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I'm still flying my 2 screen mk 1 horizon WS. Got it in 2008 or 2009, flew it in January of 2010. When I had the itch to "upgrade" I got a ram mount, an ipad and foreflight. I know I will need to be adding ADSB on December 31st 2019 so I'm probably going to do a big panel upgrade then.