
I tried to find a previous thread on this...apologies if I missed it...

Configuration - RV-8 with 430W, GRT Horizon HX and TruTrak Digiflight II VSG

I'm looking to shoot an RNAV LPV with a vector to final

Initial conditions - 430W is loaded with the appropriate transition (can later select vectors if needed). Flying the appropriate heading with the Lateral autopilot set to heading (GRT is driving the TruTrak).

Question is from here...You get the "turn right to heading XXX maintain 5,000 until established cleared RNAV XX"

Besides turning to the heading...what do I need to select on the GRT to have the autopilot:

1. Intercept the inbound GPS course
2. Capture the Glidepath

Things to do:
Arm the approach - different from ILS?
Hit execute
If I switch to GNAV from heading mode ... what will I expect?
Do I need to activate a segment of the approach on the 430W

If someone has a checklist they've created that would be awesome if you can share it!

I tried to find a previous thread on this...apologies if I missed it...

Configuration - RV-8 with 430W, GRT Horizon HX and TruTrak Digiflight II VSG

I'm looking to shoot an RNAV LPV with a vector to final

Initial conditions - 430W is loaded with the appropriate transition (can later select vectors if needed). Flying the appropriate heading with the Lateral autopilot set to heading (GRT is driving the TruTrak).

Question is from here...You get the "turn right to heading XXX maintain 5,000 until established cleared RNAV XX"

Besides turning to the heading...what do I need to select on the GRT to have the autopilot:

1. Intercept the inbound GPS course
2. Capture the Glidepath

Things to do:
Arm the approach - different from ILS?
Hit execute
If I switch to GNAV from heading mode ... what will I expect?
Do I need to activate a segment of the approach on the 430W

If someone has a checklist they've created that would be awesome if you can share it!


First is the approach activated on the 430? Then you need to either activate vectors to final or the leg you are going to intercept.

The rest should be arm the nav and vnav on the autopilot. My autopilot is Dynon and it will not let me arm the vnav option unless I am on the leg leading up to my FAF.
As stated above, it’s best to activate ‘vectors to final’ using the proc button on the 430. If you’re vectored to an intercept anywhere other than the initial approach fix you entered the 430 may be confused if not in vectors to final mode.
Hx set to Heading mode, set the heading bug to the ATC given intercept heading.
Arm the approach.
Push Execute when you get close to intercept (do not push execute if you are expecting more heading changes, etc.)
The Hx should automatically intercept and turn to GNAV mode, and track inbound. If there are step down altitudes inbound, you need to manually change the autopilot altitude in the autopilot menu each time you come to a step down. Preceding the FAF, the 430 annunciation and the Hx annunciation should change from ‘term’ to ‘LPV’, and the GS should come alive. At GS intercept it may revert to ENAV mode (this is a grt thing where the Hx, not the 430, will generate roll commands. But vertical guidance will still be passed thru from the 430). At any point once you’re in the approach mode, you should program the missed approach procedure. (Nothing will take effect until you push ‘miss’). If the MAP is all-GPS, that’s the default, do nothing. But if it’s ‘climb on runway heading to 1200’, then right turn to …’ you can pre-program the Hx to go back to heading mode on the miss.
One last thing. On most LPV approaches the 430 will show you a GS starting at wherever you intercept the final, if you’re in ‘vectors to final’. But if you’ve programmed in an initial fix that’s quite far out, you may have step down transitions prior to the GS even appearing.
GRT + Garmin + TruTrak

I tried to find a previous thread on this...apologies if I missed it...

Configuration - RV-8 with 430W, GRT Horizon HX and TruTrak Digiflight II VSG

I'm looking to shoot an RNAV LPV with a vector to final

Initial conditions - 430W is loaded with the appropriate transition (can later select vectors if needed). Flying the appropriate heading with the Lateral autopilot set to heading (GRT is driving the TruTrak).

Question is from here...You get the "turn right to heading XXX maintain 5,000 until established cleared RNAV XX"

Besides turning to the heading...what do I need to select on the GRT to have the autopilot:

1. Intercept the inbound GPS course
2. Capture the Glidepath

Things to do:
Arm the approach - different from ILS?
Hit execute
If I switch to GNAV from heading mode ... what will I expect?
Do I need to activate a segment of the approach on the 430W

If someone has a checklist they've created that would be awesome if you can share it!


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