Well Known Member
I have about a three year old, GRT Horizon I (dual AHARS/dual screen) setup with the newer high resolution screens.

Recently (for about the last month), they have been taking a VERY long time to boot up (sometimes in excess of ten minutes).

It has been cold here (by Virginia standards) but not that cold and the airplane is hangered.

My first thought was that it was low system voltage, but I turn the units on after the engine is running and the system voltage (according to the EIS) is 14.1v.

Now, I suspect that the units are actually booting up properly, but the screens themselves are not.

So far they have always eventually booted up, but I end up sitting for many minutes on the ramp with the engine running, burning precious fuel.

GRT didn't have any ideas, so I thought I would reach out to this forum to see if any of you have had similar problems (and a resolution).
Hi Bruce,

Have you tried a software reload? It might be that something might be hung up that could be "unhung" with a refresh. And what do you see while it is doing the long boot - is it before or after the "flash" (You normally get boot text, then a "flash" of brightness, then after a few moments, the "status" page with the Accept button). Just curious to hear where it appears to be hanging.

Of course, I have gone through the problem of booting up in the morning after a night flight where I left the brightness turned down so far that i couldn't see the screen....embarrassing....

Me too

I do lots of night flying and have often cursed myself for not remembering to turn the brightness back up at the end of the flight. I now just set it to 3 rather than 1 for night flight.

I don't think it is actually hanging on the bootup but the screen stays blank. I suspect it is "really there" and the screens themselves are just not displaying until they get warm enough. The reason I think this is that when I recycle the power, I sometimes very, very briefly see the bootup text or the PFD.

After several minutes of this, the unit does bootup.


Could very well be - living down here in Texas, I don't have any experience with the screens at really low temps - when I take the plane up north, I generally get it warm in a hangar before playing with it....