D Weisgerber

Well Known Member
I have a GRT Horizon 10.1, I'm trying to figure out how to set it up for approaches, I uploaded the new Nav and Proc database, the unit then rebooted. I still don't have the Wpt/Proc button, it only says waypoint. I checked the software version and it does say Nav/Proc dated 8-12-2021. Am I missing something in the settings?
GRT just got back with me, the internal IFR approach procedures is an option. I should have done more research before I posted this. I think I will have the update done.
It sounds like grt has recently expanded its internal gps approach capability to the 10.1. Have you paid for the capability to use it? This is a $750 option (on the grt web site, 10.1, look under ‘buy’. You also should read all about this (may need to look under HXr stuff). While I applaud GRT for its effort to bring about a drastic reduction in the owners’ cost for gps approaches, they do note that their system has neither a TSO nor any form of approval from the FAA, and thus they can only recommend its use in VFR operations, or emergencies. Clearly, they’re hoping that with enough field experience, the FAA will approve it, some day.
Edit. Funny how often hours go by, then we both post at once!
Thanks for responding Bob, do you know if I can add the option in the field or If I have to return the unit to them for the update? I definitely want to do it but If I have to return it for the update I'll wait until I do my condition inspection.
I was under the impression that it was a software only upgrade, but I really don’t know if it needs to go back. A quick call tomorrow or email now may get you your answer. There is a manual on what this system currently does/how to use it, somewhere on the grt web site (suggest searching under the HXr).
I just spoke to GRT and ordered the upgrade for ILS approaches, they told me they will send me an activation code that I have to enter in the settings. It sounds really easy, I'll update again as soon as I install the upgrade and use it. Thanks for the input.