
When I am trying to select a heading buy turning the left knob it will "snap back" and go a lower setting. Example - Heading 360 and you get a vector to 090...turn the knob at a reasonable and it will move to like 008 than back to 360 then maybe move one or two more degrees. Once your heading gets close to the selected value it will let you move a few more degrees.

Same issue with the baro select - there is always a big change from Flagstaff AZ area to Phoenix and you have to move it really slow...

What am I missing / doing wrong?

Well, I know this isn’t much help, but this problem and solution has been posted before, maybe you can find it by searching. IIRC it was a software set up issue. Maybe not having one efis declared primary and all others secondary, or something like that?

It was my write up that was referenced by BH1166. Unfortunately I’m still dealing with this issue. However I haven’t gone back to GRT for the software update they said could be required because of a busy few months.

I’ll probably contact GRT soon to try the firmware update.
Let me know...

Thanks - let me know what you find out. The RV-8 I now have is new (to me). We ensured all the SW was the latest so we know we are current there...I am going to checkout the menu setup today.

FYI - I have a three screen setup - front cockpit is dual GRT Horizon HXs and the rear cockpit (connected via ethernet cable) is HX as well with the wider screen.

Issue is fixed. Quick background...there are three GRT screens in our system, two HX upfront and a larger HX in the back. The third (rear) is connected via an ethernet hub. When we installed the ADSB we turned on the Inter-Display link to get traffic on all three screens. The displays were also daisy chained via the serial port there was a conflict. Turned off Serial 3 In and Out and the problem was fixed.

I am sure it will be different in another setup - however check to for a conflict being generated with your serial ports and Inter-Display Link.