
Well Known Member
Maybe I am doing this all wrong but.... when I top off the fuel tanks I press both buttons to "SET LIMITS" then "NEXT" about 3 times to the fuel level set page. Then I increment the level to what I have in the tanks or press both buttons again to set the max 42 gallons. All good so far and this works in updating fuel on board.

Now, from that point in the menu I have to press "NEXT" about 25 times to get out of the set up menus or cycle power on the unit with reboot to the home screen.

Is there a better way to do this? Is there a short cut to exit the setup menu and not have to press "NEXT" so many times?

Pressing the outer two buttons of the EIS will bring up the fuel quantity set page. While on this page, pressing the "UP" and "DOWN" (left and center buttons) will set the fuel quantity to whatever you have entered on the "MAX Fuel" setting on the configuration set pages.

Or if just entering fuel quantity pressing the "up" button to enter the total fuel you have on board then press the next button to save.

What your doing is going into the configuration "program" mode is why you have to scroll thorough so many pages to exit.
See section 3.2 of your EIS manual for more details.
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John - while in the program mode, if you press and hold the right button (i.e., "next") the menu will "fast forward" and bounce you back to the operational pages in a few seconds.
What you are doing will work but as you have noticed isn't exactly ideal. So, try this, I think you will like it.

Press the two outside buttons simultaneously (Next/Ack & Display). This will display the Fuel Quantity screen. Once on that screen press the Next/Ack and Previous button simultaneously. This will set the fuel quantity to whatever you set as the MAX quantity in your configuration for that source. You did configure your MAX fuel quantity didn't you? Or, if you wish to only increase it incrementally you can increase or decrease the amount in the same manner you have been doing to display the appropriate amount. After you have set the correct amount press the Display button twice. That will take you back to whatever screen you have setup as your default display screen.

I see I am repeating what Brent said. However, remember you can double click the Display button. That will take you back to your normal screen.
Thanks guys! Tomorrow morning I will be getting fuel so I will try your advice. Looks like I was missing the boat on this one. Yes the max is set to 42 gallons.

Total success! Pun intended. Much better now, only a couple button pushes.

Thanks for the help.