
Legacy Member
About 25 hours now and beginning to explore data logging. System is a GRT Sport SX and EIS4000. I'm using the GRT-supplied SanDisk Cruzer stick plugged into the Sport SX's USB port. Recording works very well and the files are viewable using GRT's EISLog.exe application.

The trick is to whip the log files into a more usable format. For example, it would be useful to graph EGTs and study them in detail with an eye toward injector balance.

I have only average computer skills. Before re-inventing the wheel I should tap the collective brain. Any favorite methods, software, or formats for converting and/or exporting EISLog data?
You can use Carl Morgan's tool to convert and be able to either view in browser or open in Excel... Do a search on the Yahoo GRT list where you can find the link to it..
Hi all,

Anyway to log the GRT EIS4000 data without any other systems such as the EFIS etc.? I do have a Dynon D100...

Could I somehow connect a laptop into the EIS4000 and log directly?



I log all my flights via the GRT Horizon & EIS4000. It has been incredibly useful in identifying & resolving engine-related issues, and for aircraft performance measurement. I'm a bit computer-limited so I just use EISLog & Excel as follows:

1. Open the EFIS Logfile using EISLog.
2. save the EISLog file
3. Open the EISLog file with Excel
4. Delete any data columns you don't want
5. Save the Excel file
6. Graph the data using the Excel chart utility - to avoid rescaling the data I usually produce 2 charts - the first for all the high number data (tach, egts, altitude, VSI) & the second for the rest (map, temps, fuel flow.....)

Hope this helps

John Moody
RV-8A VH-MKX rebuilding