Wiley Price

I'm New Here
I bought an rv6-a, which has a GRT eis 4000 in the panel. Plane flies like a dream, but eis leaves much to be desired. The online manual has created a nightmare as to how to how to hide pages (they are not numbered for instance).
I can?t select my favorite combination page - there are still two & I need only the second one. I am 3rd owner and the second owner knows little more than I & builder isn?t around. The manual says it is possible to hide up to ten pages, but doesn?t say how. Further it says up to ten pages may be behind the same page number.
Just for starters, where is the page number located on the screen? I am about to the point of taping over the screen and the alarm light.
Congrats on your 6A! Rather than disabling pages, there is also the option of labeling the page you want to see as your "favorite." The EIS will go to that page at startup, and if you are on another page, you can get back to the favorite page with a simple double-click of the display key. My EIS display is always on my favorite page, and I never touch it. I didn't disable any pages.

There is a definite learning curve to the EIS4000. The good news is that it all starts to make sense once you use it for a while. The best news is that the support is excellent, either by email or telephone.

The page #'s are shown in the manual in figure 1a. In revison L of the maual (downloadable from the GRT website) its page 37.

It makes sense to disable (hide) pages you don't intend to use or have a use for. I don't have the Airspeed and Altitude option in my EIS so page 9 is of no use to me and I have page 9 disabled.

Up to 10 pages can be disabled. You have to access the ?Configuration Set? pages to do this. Press and hold the center and right button until the screen shows ?UP DOWN NEXT? on the bottom row.

The disable page settings are at the very end of the SET pages so you have to press the NEXT button (a bunch of times) until you see a selection for 'Disable Pg #'. Enter the # corresponding to the page you would like to disable and press NEXT. Enter the page # of the next page you would like to disable etc. etc. etc. When you are done press the NEXT button until the EIS returns to normal operation.

If you change your mind you can always go back and 'un'disable a page.
Check your software version

If you can't get the page to disable, it may be your software version. The online manual is for the latest version and the early versions don't have the ability to disable pages. I sent mine in to get the sw updated.
