
Active Member
I'm preparing to install a GRT EIS 4000 for my Lycoming O-360 (slick mags). For the tach, the instructions suggest installing a toggle switch to allow you to select a mag for a tach reading.

Is this there a better way to do this without a toggle switch?

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Upgrade It

I'm preparing to install a GRT EIS 4000 for my Lycoming O-360 (slick mags). For the tach, the instructions suggest installing a toggle switch to allow you to select a mag for a tach reading.

Is this there a better way to do this without a toggle switch?

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Send it to GRT and get it upgraded to the latest revision. The newer versions of the EIS have inputs for P-lead signals from both mags which makes for a much cleaner set up than having to use a toggle switch to switch between the active mags during run up.

Toggle Switch is no biggie

Like Dan, I've been using mine for 6 years. It becomes second nature during the run up.
No switch

I don't even have a switch!

Right mag shows Zero during mag check.
I can tell what I need to know by feel and sound.

Not trying to sound smart, it's just not an issue.

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Hall effect sensor

You can add a hall effect sensor from Aircraft Spruce. It plugs into the vent hole on one of the mags. It senses the magnet spinning in the mag so it doesn't care if the mag switch is on or off. I ran this on my engine when I had one mag and one Lightspeed

Initially I used Vans transducer, it should have worked nicely but was problematic from the start, failing within the first few hours; I think because the tacho drive 'pin' supplied was just a bit too long. Somehow this damaged the sender and eventually pushed the back cover off the transducer. I also had some problems with the appropriate pulse per revolution ratio to use - so either I damaged the transducer from the outset or the signal did not play well with my early version EIS. Reverting to the tacho single p-lead sensing worked perfectly except of course during the mag check.

I did have GRT upgrade the unit primarily to resolve a configuration issue. This turned out to be a major refresh in hardware and software at a very modest cost. The dual p-lead sensing was a welcome bonus.