
Well Known Member

Just browsing and spotted version 29 has been released.....


Version 29 includes:
* New engine page design (the old engine page is not available in this version)
* Automatic logbook
* Dual AHRS support
* Altitude and vertical steering presets
* Sending SL30 and EIS data over the Display Unit Link
* Many minor improvements


Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!.....

I know what I'M doing after I get off console tonight/tomorrow morning.....gotta warm up that thumb drive and get downloading!! :D
Just don't confuse your day job and your RV jog

Ironflight said:
I know what I'M doing after I get off console tonight/tomorrow morning.....gotta warm up that thumb drive and get downloading!! :D

I hope you'll get a good night's sleep first.

I don't want to read in AvWeek about how the ISS or the Shuttle are acting funny due to an unauthorized software load.

"Umm, Houston, Atlantis...we seem to have a high CHT on cylinder number two..."

Make sure you don't get confused about where you're loading that software!:)
Initial Pilot Report!

OK, after taking a nap (duty-day requirement), I did go out to install the latest software, and my first impression is very positive! I had a brief talk with Todd, and he said that this version is really pretty simple, from a software change point of view - mostly just the new engine displays. There aren't hardly any "serious" changes (as in AHRS, NAV processing, etc...)

The first thing that I noticed was that I actually USED the analog engine dials! the old display just never attracted my eye, and I alwasy adjusted power with the digitals. But something about a white pointer on a black dial really makes them easy to use. Coupled with colored limit arcs and multiple bugs that you can set, it is really easy to set power.

Instead of the old single systems display, there are now something like six variations, each of which can be customized. In addtion, they have worked up some new computed parameters, such as Miles per Gallon, Specific Fuel Consumption, Average GS, Average TAS....a long list of things that I have often sat there trying to compute in my head.

There are now several ways to dsiplay CHT and EGT - bar graphs and plots for both, and leaning modes that show variations from peak. you can also let it pick the hot EGT or hot CHT for you and put them in different parts of the various displays.

I have never thought much of the split screen modes that have been previosuly available, but the new split screen of moving map and systems really got my attention. There are now some really useful performance parameters that can be displayed along with the slightly compressed moving(which loses little in the Arc mode) - all the kind of things like mpg, range, etc that you want when evaluating a flight situation.

GRT is very serious about software reliability, and they do not recomend flying IFR with new releases - they prefer that people get some shelf-life on them first. I generally carry the latest and previous versions on a thumb drive in the airplane, in case I needed to revert for some reason. I can tell you though, that I would be very sorry to have to lose the new features that I have seen today.

Of course nothing is perfect - they changed the flight timer so that it starts with airspeed, rather than timing from engine start to engine stop (which is what I generally find more useful) - but a quick talk with Todd and he says that he'll make sure it is selectable in the next version. And, of course, there is no good documentaiton out for the new version yet (that I could find)....but hey, take a few hours, and it is all pretty self-evident!

A definite step forward. I now have a whole new "panel layout" for the system's functions in the Valkyrie....total upgrade time - about five minutes. Cost? Nothin'! Now that is hard to beat... :cool:

mgomez said:
Make sure you don't get confused about where you're loading that software!:)

No worries Martin....the shuttle systems are primitive enough that you have to carve the bits on stone tablets and feed them into a card reader... :p

The ISS computers, of course, are much more modern....being 386-based processors and all!!! :eek:


Hey Paul,

Any chance that you could snap a few pictures of the GRT screen changes sometime?
skelrad said:
Any chance that you could snap a few pictures of the GRT screen changes sometime?
I think he posted them some time ago on the GRT yahoo group.

Yes, I did post some screen shots I got direct from GRT a few weeks back over on the Yahoo GRT group. Unfortunately, they were GIF's, and I had to paste them into a Word document to post them. Now I can't find the original GIF's, and I can't figure out how to paste the Word image over here. If someone knows how to do it....I can email them the Word document and let you have at it!

GIF Conversions

If you find the GIFs send them to [email protected] and I can convert them to jpg; or whatever you want.
or get hold of GraphicConverter.
PS. I shall go and load mine in a few hours and post some shots anyway.
Viewing, sizing & converting images

I recommend http://www.irfanview.com/ for working with images for simple tasks including sizing, adjusting colors, contrast and such. It will also easily convert almost anything to almost anything else. And it's free.
Not Macable

Doesn't work on Mac.
Gotta have a MAC for Graphics.
PC mag. is produced on Macs.

Here are some pics of the new GRT Engine Page.
Also see my post uner GRT TAS Calibration.



Loaded mine today. Just in time for first flight!

Anyone know how to get the round dials on the split screen page? I think this is what is keeping me from liking the new engine layout a whole lot more. Since I only have two screens, I plan on having one on split screen with the engine info.
More Info

I'm not sure if it is possible to have round dials on the split screen page.

What i do like about the split screen page is that there is much more info than with the old display, though i would like to see CHT/EGT.

Does anyone know how to make the Fuel Total an Integer.