erich weaver

Well Known Member

Spent the last two days trying to get my EFIS to talk with the EIS, autopilot, two GPSs (internal and external), transponder and SL-40. I am mentally fatigued. The worst of it was for the Garmin 296. No joy, even after long phone calls to GRT support. Finally figured out on my own that while I had wired it perfectly and the format and baud rate settings were correct, the Garmin output was going to to its COM1 port - which is used for a fishfinder of all things. Dont think I'll need the fishfinder function much in my RV. Moved the settings over to the COM2 (autopilot) port and all was well. Apparently the unit does not allow you to run output to both the fishfinder and the autopilot ports at the same time - imagine that). Funny how a long, frustrating day can suddenly turn wonderful after pushing just the right buttons...

A few loose ends to tidy up that I need some input on:

1 What does the List advise to use as max and min limit warning settings for fuel pressure (IO-360B1B with AFP boost pump)? What readings should I expect to see with the boost pump on and off?

2 Same question as above, but for oil pressure.

3 I am unclear on how to load Terrain data into the EFIS. I put the file on a USB and tried to upload it using the same procedure I used for the EFIS software upgrade, but no go - the unit said I was missing a Checksum file, so I dont think I was on the right track. I dont see any specific instructions for uploading Terrain data on the GRT web site.

thanks all

erich weaver

Hi Erich,

Isn't it amazing how you can be totally frustrated by the thing for a few hours, and then, all of a sudden, you hit the right combinations, and it all works?! I have done a number of setups for people, and it always works that way - the toughest part is if they (or you) haven't wired it personally, and I have to figure out what channels are going where. Even them it takes a little fiddling - but once it is done, the system really rocks! And you don;t have to set it up again.....usually its about a two hour job.

I can't help you on the fuel pressure limits, as I am carbed, and th fuel pressure is generally low enough that I haven't been limit sensing. Scared the bejeebers out of me on flight number 2 when the alarm went off and I saw low pressure - turns out, it is just a result of fuel flow. On oil pressure, I have mine set about 30 psi I think - look up what your engine says you should have as a low limit, and set it just a little above that.

For the Terrain, GRT has carefully hidden the instructions on the SOFTWARE download page, not the DOCUMENTATION of these days, we need to get the,m to fix that....go here, and scroll down a ways, and you'll find several articles on Terrain installation and memory card installation (if you do that - most of us have).

Good luck!

One more tip

tip: The memory stick that came with my GRT works fine in both my PC's but will not work in the GRT. Fortunately all the other sticks that I have worked OK in the GRT. YMMV.

Isn't it amazing that a company that makes such good gear has such rotten documentation and website layout? I have even volunteered to help them with it but they don't seem to get it.

My fuel pressure minimum (IO-360 Superior) is set around 30 pounds or a little less. I set all my limits first in the EIS and then some of them in the EFIS, too. Personal preference.

However, when seting fuel quantity after you fill up, there are reasons (see the manual) to use the EIS rather than the EFIS. There are some obscure keystroke combinations you can use to do this quickly after you add fuel. I am away from my airplane and will be until at least April 10, so if you haven't gotten them by then, PM me and I'll send them. I posted them with a label right on the EIS because I use them so much.

On my 296 the power/output cord had two COMM ports. It didn't matter which one you used, but it had to be the one you were connected to. AND you could only set the NMEA format on one or ther other, not both. I confirmed this with Garmin tech support. I guess this doesn't matter for you, now.

Another hint would be to not set too many alarms until you know what is normal for your aircraft. On first flight, you won't want to be dealing with flashing red lights. Just watch the actual readings like you would with steam gages, set the alarms a little later.
Thanks for the replies guys.

Im still having a brain lock on loading the Terrain data. Maybe Im dense, but the "Terrain database installation notes" on the GRT web site didnt relly help me. As I understand it, the terrain data can be uploaded from either an external USB flash drive (which I have), or a compact flash card (which I do not have) that you must install inside the display unit.

I dont undertand why anyone would choose to go to the trouble of buying and installing the CF card, if you can just upload from an external USB drive which they supply with the unit. That said, I still have no idea where in the unit setup menu the prompts for uploading terrain data reside. I dont see anying in the GRT Terrain installation notes file that provides any insight on this.

Hey maybe THATS why everyone uses the CF card :D


ps took a quick look at mike casey's edits to the GRT manual - good additions I think
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I don't have the notes handy, but a common error people make is forgetting to change the file name extension on the terrain database they are going to use - you have to choose which one you want. Remember, these are computers, and you have to do every single step, in order, or they'll just sit and stare at you and go "huh?"

The reason we use the internal compact flash memory is so that we don't have to keep the USB drive installed all the time - the DU doesn't actually "upload" the file, it uses it from where it is - in a virtual sense, the CF card inside the machine is like an external "drive", just as the USB thumb drive is. The CF memory and adapter is so cheap that it's just cleaner to have it all an board.

Aha! The light bulb is going off now. I had erroneously assumed the terrain data would be semi-permanently uploaded into the EFIS from the USB, just like the EFIS operating software. Sounds like this is not the case - it has to be loaded every time the system boots up. Not exactly crystal clear in the documentation. Thanks Paul. Say, maybe I'll reconsider that CF card...

Note to Heavansrv7a: You are 100% accurate regarding the Garmin 296 set up (NOW you tell me!).

I found the Garmin 296 manual to actually be quite good. Minor nit pick: In their description of the output settings I think they list them as com1 and com2 (or was it Chnl1 and Chnl2 - cant remember) but their diagram for the output cable simply shows them as fishfinder and autopilot outputs. It would have been better to have used consistent terminology and to have grouped the output cable description together with the com1 and com2 setup description.

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