Sid Lambert

Well Known Member
For those that have a GRT EFIS and EIS... Did you install the warning light from the EIS or do all the warning pop-up on the EFIS?
I also installed the red warning light. Here is what is used for
- when starting the engine, it takes a bit for the EIFS to boot, meanwhile you don't have a warning for oil pressure or any other thing
- if you ever leave your master on, you can drain your battery, but this can serve as a warning/indicator for that
- have your EIS warn you about those very critical item like oil pressure, it will definitely catch your attention

Good luck
I used a small LED instead of the big red light supplied. But I don't use it. Everything pops up on the EFIS and the EIS blinks the issue. I don't think I would install it if I redo the panel.
No waiting for an oil presure indication on the EFIS if you have the EFIS backup battery. I flip on the master and the backup as soon as I sit down, then let the EFIS boot while I'm belting up, running the boost for purge, untangling the headset cord, etc. No voltage dip when cranking; the EFIS feeds from the backup.

I installed the big red light, but use it for a single function (low fuel) as the EIS gets used as a fuel totalizer and never leaves the fuel page.