
As I consider displacing my MX20 with the new HX EFIS screen, Im stuck on one final piece of functionality. I cant figure out how or where to get airspace info on the GRT. Cant figure out what airspace is ahead of me. Do I have restricted ahead and below? What the ceiling on that class B ahead and what alt can I climb to before I hit it? Is that a MOA over there? Whats the freq for the controlling agency? And on and On and On.

These simple questions I cant seem to answer on my GRT Horizon 1 HS screen but is mission critical to my everyday flying. Am I missing something? How are the rest of you getting this on your GRT moving map? Every other moving map I own tells me this information. My old portables with limited functionality have this function easily available. Its required stuff to keep alive, safe, and out of FAA jail.

Airspace ceilings are intemittent and Im unable to determine the algorythm for their showing up. Most of the time they dont. All the time I want em.

While its true it highlights a space if Im going to go through a space, thats only if Im in it, or at the altitude it is. Thats less than half the battle and does not take into consideration what I want to do, only what Im doing.

I would expect to be able to select airspace just like I select an airport. Push knob, turn and highlight, select details, and find out everything I ever wanted to know about the space.

Who can help?

Note: Ordered 1 HX at SnF for June delivery. Still waiting. Carlos saying October now. Glad I dont need it. But I will replace my 1 HS regardless if and when the HX ships. Weather or not I get 2 and dump the MX20 is now my issue.
Good news. I was able to try a Beta version of the next HHX firmware yesterday on a short flight in my 8, and if you can believe it, I can now select airspace and see what it is. Type, Class, and altitudes. Neat. :D

The way it works is, you go to the moving map page, push the rotary button in which activates the cursor to select just as before, as you crank the cursor around and it selects each next sequence item on the map as you crank the knob. As you move the cursor over something, the item is highlighted on the map, and the info for it pops up in a box in the bottom left corner.

There are several noteworthy items about the usability.
1. Its fast. As fast as you can crank the dial, the cursor zips around the screen to each item and the info pop ups.
2. The pop up on the airspace info does not require you to push in the button to select like you might expect with other moving map devices. While this might seem like a small plus, from a usability perspective it save several clicks. You dont have to click to select, you dont have to click to clear/deselect the info.
3. In a busy airspace like mine, with bravo, charlies and deltas all over each other, the airspace selection is actually much easier than other devices you might be used to in selecting air space. This is a result if the ease of cranking a knob and the speed of the device.
4. The primary info is there, but the additional info you might want to have as secondary info is not yet available. The name for example. Typically, when zipping acoss the country VFR, you might want to ask information from ATC about a particular MOA, ALERT area, restricted, or what have you. Without that you have additional work to do to communicate to the controller what the item is you are asking about. Controlling agency and hours of operations are a couple other attributes off the top of my head you might be used to on your partable that are not yet available.

In summary. YIPEE! Airspace info is coming soon to a GRT screen near you. Im also toying with the the new flight director. More on that soon.
Sounds great. Thanks for the update!

For VFR flying, I suspect the airspace name (TORQUE 1 MOA, etc.) would be the next-most useful item to display, followed by the Agency and Operating Times. I hope GRT will include those eventually.

I love how software updates are able to make our screens into completely new instruments every so often! It's like opening presents on Christmas morning :)
Good news. I was able to try a Beta version of the next HHX firmware yesterday on a short flight in my 8, and if you can believe it, I can now select airspace and see what it is. Type, Class, and altitudes. Neat. :D

Great news from a company I have learned listens, and understands, the needs and wishes of it's customer base. Love this new HX!!