pierre smith

Well Known Member
I was really impressed with the Garmin screens at Osh and since i have a small GRT HX, I asked if I could trade for the bigger screen. He said for a few 100 bucks, yes.

Have any of you guys moved to a bigger screen or flown both? Which one would you choose if you're only gonna have one?

At least one level up

I started with two of the original screens and they are quite satisfactory. However, I did not like the split screen with PFD left and Engine right because it was too minimal. I upgraded my primary screen to the next level (HHS) so that I always have the engine bar across the bottom and the top 3/4 can be PFD only or PFD/HSI. I use the second screen primarily for traffic now that I have a Zaon XRX. I like the new screen better, but if it were not for the additional information it would not be worth it. If I did not care about traffic, I could easily do with a single HHS screen but not with only 1 of the original.

My own opinion is that my Garmin 496 is always giving me terrain, obstacles and navigation, so I don't use that ability on the GRT. The Garmin's presentation of that information is much better and so is the ability to move the cursor around with the hat switch.

Depending on your needs you might consider the Sport sufficient.

Now, the new, big screen has all kinds of extra abilities but if you are not going to use them (think IFR) then my personal view is not to spend the extra money.

I have 2 pictures of my new setup on my site, link below.
This is the first chance I've had to see the larger screen as well Pierre, and I think it its really going to be a question of personal preference and panel space. You get exactly the same number of pixels on the larger screen as the smaller, so the smaller will theoretically look a bit sharper - not a big deal in what I saw. If I had the panel space, I'd personally rather have an extra screen to display more data, but two smaller screens are bigger than one large screen. If you are only going to have one, it's just a question of how much panel space you have.
Tanya and I both commented that the larger screens of the GRT had graphics that were sized for old guys with failing eyes. The big GRT display looked a little funny to me with the big graphics.
Hey Scott...

You're time will come buddy....Pierre, did you upgrade the panel in your -6A, or are the new electronics going in your current project?
Just curious,
You're time will come buddy....Pierre, did you upgrade the panel in your -6A, or are the new electronics going in your current project?
Just curious,

I know :). Maybe by then, we'll have a GRT efis with configurable resolution. Hey, there is an idea... I bet Pierre and "company" run their computers at a much lower resolution than I do too, for valid personal, grey haired, reasons :). I'll get there too, but I'm holding on for as long as possible. Tanya said that she saw a few grey hairs sprout on the spot on my head during our 30min. taxi in the grass at Oshkosh.
Not sure..

You're time will come buddy....Pierre, did you upgrade the panel in your -6A, or are the new electronics going in your current project?
Just curious,

...just exactly what I'll do with the GRT, Chris. I had my heart set on 1 of 3 Rockets that all had steam gauges but the Illinois/Indiana corn run looks like it's not gonna happen. I'd have brought home a sackful of money but the cool wx has slowed it down and my season is perking up here.

Jenny and I could use an upgrade on the -6 with a 430W, coupled for IFR work and it's looking more and more like I'll put it in the -6 this winter since the Rocket seems to have been a nice dream that won't happen any time soon:)

Is bigger really better

Hi Pierre,

You have already received solid advice, but here's my two pennies. I have a small dynon in my VariEze and an 8.4 in my -7. I like the larger display in that it is easy for my tired eyes to see (these new EFISESSESS pack a lot of info on a screen), but the Dynon in the EZ is very readable from a greater distance than the -7. Now. in my 7 I find myself always punching the 'eng' button, then the 'pfd' button to see what I want. Perhaps I could customize the display to always show what I want, but what I want isn't customizable.

If I had to do it again, I would buy two small screens for the -7 instead of the one big screen. With two, you always have displayed what you want to see. Yip, it costs more, but the idea of the instrument panel is to display data.
Hi Steve...

...and thanks to all. I've thought it through and as Paul says, the clarity would be better on the smaller screen and since I have a 496, I don't really need a map page. The PFD screen has an engine ribbon along the bottom as Paul uses. A second screen would be nice but man, they're pricey!

I figure that with the 496 stand-alone there's enough redundancy should the GRT go toast...or vice-versa. The Tru-Trak and the old altimeter will give me enough backup to go through a layer.

Thanks all,
I have the larger HX screen. I purchased it because I sit back a little further so bigger is better.....oh did I mention I have glasses...yep for the eyes.
I just got a chance to view the new GRT screen in a buddys 7-------and then I walked over to my plane and looked at the older GRT screens in my 10.

In my opinion, there is a huge difference between the two, with the new one winning hands down.

In addition, the look down view, with the topographic representation is not even in my setup.

Other than the $$ factor, I would upgrade tomorrow.
I just got a chance to view the new GRT screen in a buddys 7-------and then I walked over to my plane and looked at the older GRT screens in my 10.

In my opinion, there is a huge difference between the two, with the new one winning hands down.

In addition, the look down view, with the topographic representation is not even in my setup.

Other than the $$ factor, I would upgrade tomorrow.

Just to be clear for those reading the thread later - are you talking big screen versus regular screen, or HX versus HS?
Mine are, I believe, Horizon 1, IIRC.

Jims is the new high res unit, the HX, I believe.
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