
Well Known Member
How do I set the SL40 frequencies from DU2 of my dual GRT system? DU1 ("Primary") talks to the SL40 just fine. I guess this is because the serial data line to the SL40 is connected to it. But, I can't get DU2 to set the frequencies. I have configed DU2 with "SL40 Commands" set to Yes. I guess I thought that when I send a list from DU2, it would tell DU1 to send it to the SL40. Is this not correct?

Useless functionality. Move on. I have that config and have never found it of value.
What Scott said :) On paper this sounded pretty cool, but in real world, I just never really used it.. it's there.. hooked up and all, but I never use it.. I do look up frequencies on the GRT screen, though....
Thanks, guys. But, unless the fix involves a lot of time or expense I'd still like to figure out why it is not working. My understanding of the system makes me think it would. Since it doesn't, my understanding of the system is apparently wrong. I'd like to figure out why. So, if anyone has any suggestions as to what I need to check, I'd appreciate it.
You should be able to or at least mine works from either display but as the others said, I have done it only on the ground showing what can and can't do with these unite. In practicality, have never used that function.
