
Well Known Member
I have a 3 screen HX and wanted to put just one of the clock displays on Zulu time. Can I do this on only one? I could not figure it out in the menu.
Yes you can.. go into the Clock settings.. I believe they're under Display Maintenance (but I am not sure now without looking at the documents) and just set the time zone offset to 0... it won't mess up other units.. At least, it worked in my 2-screen setup :)
OK, makes sense. Do you know if it will still have the L next to the time for local? I guess I figured it would have a seperate zulu option.
It will have a little "z" next to it... I had it set up that way on my plane.. one was showing local (with "L" next to it) and the other was Zulu with little "z" next to it..

You can see it here:
