
Well Known Member
I tried looking through the archives but I have a question about installing the GRT bayonet CHT probe. The instructions say the probe should mount in a place near the bottom spark plug. I found the opening but when you screw in the adapter how far do you thread it in? If you let it bottom out - the probe itself won't compress enough for you to get the adapter pin to find in the probe slot. What have you other builders done who have the EIS 4000 with CHT?

Anybody got a build picture of their install?
RE: GRT EIS CHT Probe Install

You should intall the threaded to bayonet adapter snug in the cylinder. Put some anti seize on the threads. Use a large screw drive blade in the adapter slots to screw it in and snug it up. Screw the CHT bayonet coupling aft on the spring a few turns to allow the spring to compress but not bottom out when you install it into the adapter. Thats what worked for me.

ECI Cylinders

I don't know if this makes any difference but I have ECI Titan cylinders. I'll take another look but it still seems to me that the probe won't compress enough. I plan on using some anti-seize on the adapters.
How long inside the cylinder?

Thanks James,

Duh - I see what you were talking about on the probe itself. I just needed to turn the cap on the spring section to adjust the length. Do you or someone else know how much to set the length that goes inside the cylinder. If no one replies I'll call GRT tomorrow to see if they can answer the question.
RE:GRT CHT Probe Install

I don't think the spring pressure is critical. Just adjust the length so the spring tension provides a moderate amount of back pressure againt the retention pins. As long as the spring is pressing back against the cap retention pins the CHT probe won't come off and the spring pressure will insure that the probe is be making contact with the cylinder head.