
Well Known Member
I'm finally getting to the point where I'm wiring my panel. One by one I'm knocking out decisions about what options I'll use on the equipment I have purchased. I'm installing roll and pitch servos for the GRT AP. At this point I plan to wire one switch to turn both servos on or off. I have the option of installing momentary switches to engage or disengage each servo individually. I'm leaning toward not using this feature mainly because I can't think of when you'd want to only use one axis.

I realize this is probably just a matter of opinion but I'd like to hear if others think there's a good reason for adding these two switches. At this stage, the work involved is trivial. When I'm flying, I suspect it will be somewhat more complicated.
I cannot recall if the GRT autopilot has "autotrim". If not, you may wish to turn off the vertical servo from time to time to check and fine tune the trim as you burn gas, transition to a climb, etc.
But for certain you also want one, easy to find (stick or throttle) button to turn off both servos, for emergency run-aways or for transitioning to manual flight at the end of an approach.
TruTrak ADI Pilot II ...

... for which I wired both servos and the main controller to a single panel switch. Works great - I would do the same the next time. (That's also the recommended wiring from TruTrak. )
Separate the stick switches IMHO

There have been times when I benefited by having separate activate/deactivate switches. Middle or end of IFR approaches, also when going thru strong up or down drafts (kept aileron servo active, turned altitude servo inactive). Have this shown on my Sept flight video starting about 1:30 minutes/seconds. Youtube with same handle. With GRT you can have one power switch and separate activation buttons.
My 2 cents.
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Auto pilot

I recently hooked up my GRT auto pilot.
One main power switch to power both servos
Located near the throttle. Also bought a little red momentary
Switch from radio shack to activate and deactivate
auto pilot also located near the throttle. I spoke to GRt about
the momentary switch as I was also planning to not hook it up.
Having spoke with them, decided to use it. Seems like a nice
Feature to activate current attitude and direction hold.
A girl friend button as a fellow RV'er calls it.
I use the single button to control both.
There is no need to turn off pitch to check trim, the screen has a clear indication to advise you of any out of trim condition.

I chose one switch to control both as I could not think of a scenario that I would use where I would want one off, and could only think of many scenarios where I wanted both off. So I figured why have have to deal with 2 switches for a single function need.

It would be fine either way.

My past RV6 had Nav Aid w/ TT Alt. Hold lots of times when getting vectors it was nice to use Alt hold and hand fly heading .
You can of course still do this and its not a function of this button. This engage/disengage button, if used as a single button, will control both. Either or can be done simply through the screen interface.
There have been times when I benefited by having separate activate/deactivate switches. Middle or end of IFR approaches, also when going thru strong up or down drafts (kept aileron servo active, turned altitude servo inactive). Have this shown on my Sept flight video starting about 1:30 minutes/seconds. Youtube with same handle. With GRT you can have one power switch and separate activation buttons.
My 2 cents.

+1 for Dale suggestion, I think this would be a nice to have specially during IFR and I can think of a number of scenarios to use this option if I had it. I am using TT and it is not wired that way unfortunately.
There was supposed to be a way to disengage each axis via EFIS menu buttons.. at least that's what I recommended to Greg a year+ ago... don't remember if they implemented it..

If that's there, then I'd definitely wire it with single button and use EFIS buttons if I wanted to disengage one axis only individually.. as that'd be rare to almost never..
There have been times when I benefited by having separate activate/deactivate switches. Middle or end of IFR approaches, also when going thru strong up or down drafts (kept aileron servo active, turned altitude servo inactive). Have this shown on my Sept flight video starting about 1:30 minutes/seconds. Youtube with same handle. With GRT you can have one power switch and separate activation buttons.
My 2 cents.

+1 for Dale suggestion, I think this would be a nice to have specially during IFR and I can think of a number of scenarios to use this option if I had it. I am using TT and it is not wired that way unfortunately.