
Well Known Member
I purchased the pitch and roll servos for my GRT EFIS. The servos are supposed to arrive next week. Today I received the mounting hardware and the wiring for it along with documentation covering wiring it, setting it up, and programming the unit. What I didn't get was any diagram showing how the mounting hardware is to be installed. I checked their website and found the documents I already have. I called a couple of times this afternoon and got phone mail. I left a couple of messages and expect that I'll hear back next week.

I'd really like to spend some time this weekend installing the mounting hardware. Does anyone have the instructions they could e-mail me, or photos showing what the finished product will look like? If not, there's a couple of hundred other things I can get done.

Look at trutrac web site. They got pictures.

Thanks. I eventually got a response from GRT which said use the TT and/or the Dynon site for installation directions. Now that I have everything in hand it easy to see how the mounting is done. The GRT mounting hardware for the 9A roll servo is for the right wing only - which is where I wanted to put the servo.

Using drawings from a competitor is still somehow disconcerting.
let us know


I am in the same position. I called today and ordered the mounting equipment and wiring. I also asked for directions regarding the wiring. I have not yet had a response to that request, I suspect it will be the same as yours.

I a bit suprised that a great company like GRT seems to be "winging it" on this issue. They are well known for outstanding customer support.

Please let me know how your installation goes. I suspect that there are others here in the same boat that would benefit from your experience.
mounting hardware

Tru Trac's mounting hardware is much nicer and will work with GRT servos. I have a GRT auto pilot installed and like it so far but still have some servo gain adjustments to fine tune.

I am in the same position. I called today and ordered the mounting equipment and wiring. I also asked for directions regarding the wiring. I have not yet had a response to that request, I suspect it will be the same as yours.

I a bit suprised that a great company like GRT seems to be "winging it" on this issue. They are well known for outstanding customer support.

Please let me know how your installation goes. I suspect that there are others here in the same boat that would benefit from your experience.


I'll let you know how it goes. Last night I went over both the instructions and the components they sent. The installation looks like it will be pretty simple - once I get all the correct parts. I am missing a piece to complete the roll servo installation. A quick call to Carlos confirmed my suspicion and they were going to send me the right part today. I'll post photos here and on my website of the installation. It appears that I'll need to drill out 3 (maybe 4) rivets for the pitch install and I'm guessing that will be the hardest part.

I can't comment on whether or not the TT hardware is superior to the GRT hardware. I was happy with the parts I received and I thought they were quite adequate for the job at hand. My guess is the TT hardware would work with the GRT servos but again, I don't know that with certainty. At this point I see no reason to mix and match hardware.

did not work

Last night I tried to install the pitch servo in my 8A. I could not. The mounting hardware supplied by GRT did not fit. The holes in the bracket for the servo did not line up with the airframe.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what was your solution?

I don't know how similar the 8 and 9 are in terms of mounting the GRT pitch servo but my mounting plate didn't have any holes drilled in it other than three where the servo mounts to the mounting plate.

As I understood (and even now understand somewhat better<g>) positioning the bracket on the F729B angle relative to the bell crank is critical. Had there been holes drilled to locate the position, I would not have had to pick between which drawing was right (the Dynon or the TT). I am now in the process of drilling the mounting plate out so I can position it correctly.

If your mounting plate already has holes, you might give Sandy or Carlos a call and see what the problem is and how to get it corrected. My inclination would be to locate it where it needs to go - and by this I mean, make sure you get full elevator deflection up and down while the arc of the servo arm is centered on an imaginary vertical line and NEVER goes past horizontal (it shouldn't come close) to get the full deflection. When I find that point, I'm going to put three more holes in my mounding plate (paying attention to edge distances and the existing holes) and move on with the build.

To some extent, you can shift the plate forward or backward and still get the servo arm centered on that imaginary vertical line by adjusting the length of the arm by screwing the rod end bearings in or out a little and resetting the lock nut.
servo install


Thanks for that information. I emailed Carlos and explained the problem to him. I am waiting for a response.