
I had the opportunity recently to try some beta software from GRT which includes the display of NACO approach plates on the HX series. Currently these are not geo referenced plates. Meaning you will not get moving map functionality on the plate. The first version out of the gate for them is a simple PDF viewer. The plates (pdf files) are 100% free from the FAA. MY favorite part.:D You can read what I did to get the plates here. A further picture series and larger more detailed images can be found here.

There is a new button in the airport details page that says "plates". It looks to read a directory structure and give you a list of plates in that airport directory. You select it and you have it. Thought you might like some pictures. Here you go.
GRTplates 159_small.jpg
GRTplates 161_small.jpg

GRTplates 162_small.jpg
GRTplates 163_small.jpg

GRTplates 168_small.jpg

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Have you tried to fly an approach using these yet? I would just be concerned that the plates are taking up valuable real estate needed for other info needed while on an approach especially if you only have a two screen EFIS. Can you get the entire plate up or just pieces of it?

It's great to see GRT moving forward with trying new things. Between this and Paul's reveals of a flight director and AOA, I think these guys are really on the right track to continue having the premier experimental EFIS out there.
The function allows you to view the plate only, not fly along with it. Its like having the paper plate. You do have to scroll. You can grab the pertinent info and hit a button back to your moving map or PFD what ever. Once the plate is loaded, you are 2 buttons from seeing it again as a reference. No need to reload again. The screen size does not allow for seeing the whole plate at one time in a readable view so you do have to scroll. There is also zooming ability.
I have completed an update to the script I wrote to pull the plates from the FAA's NACO website to support the GRT plate functionality. I asked that they ditch the ICAO identifiers for the FAA airport code. The "K"'s are gone now and the next beta release will have this fix along with a couple others.

Ive opted to use their(FAA's) own xml catalog file which as others have pointed out, can have errors in it. I've got a seperate routine to look for those and when Im confident in its workings Ill include it in this program.
For now, whether or not you have a GRT HX screen, you might find this useful. If you were using the grtgetallplates.zip before, please pay careful attention to the instructions as I have changed this completely.

RAINSUX also has a great set of tools for getting those plates at www.NACOmatic.com
Get it here.