
Well Known Member
:confused: As I understand it the GRT AOA does not use a direct reading from the airflow at an AOA/pitot tube reading, but is based on accelerometer readings. I am very interested the GRT Sport units but also like the pitot system concept.
Any thoughts on the subject?
The GRT AOA works very well. Regardless how my RV7 is loaded when the GRT AOA says it is going to stall it stalls. There are some pretty high tech commercially made aircraft out there flying with derived AOA as Paul Dye will attest to.
I've had the GRT AoA running on my EFIS for as long as the software has been available, and have posted quite a few times on it. I have since also installed an AFS AoA Pro, wich is sensed and sits on the glareshield.

After testing both systems against each other, I can say that if they are calibrated the same, they will both give good indications in the pattern under what I would call moderately steady-state flight. The GRT really doesn't keep up during aerobatics, however, while the sensed unit does quite well regardless of attitude. I also find the glareshield mount to be superior to the indications on the display due to field of view on approach. An audio component to the GRT would make it a great deal more useful, and that shouldn't be hard to add.
Can anyone report on the Dynon Skyview audio AOA? The increasing rate of beeps would seem to be user friendly.
AOA audio

Paul D. wrote "An audio component to the GRT would make it a great deal more useful, and that shouldn't be hard to add."

Has anyone done this or is this something that the factory would have to upgrade? I have the GRT Sport.
Audio output is one of the features on the short To-Do list for all of our EFIS systems. With the recent buzz about AOA, it got bumped higher on the priority list, because we also agree that our AOA will be a more useful tool if it has audio.

Our AOA does a good job in smooth conditions and will teach you a lot about the stall characteristics of your airplane. It doesn't require any extra sensors or software and is a free feature of the EFIS. However, stand-alone AOA systems with external sensors are more precise in rising and falling air and will give you quicker instantaneous readings. I think a Sport EFIS combined with an external AOA would give you excellent awareness in all flight conditions, including aerobatics.