GRT has also updated their website. Under the products section they have included a "Pricing Wizard". I found it a lot less confusing than their old price page which to me was not very user friendly.
FYI, GRT has a Sun 'n Fun special going on for systems purchased during the show. The one of interest to me is a free GPS module on the Sport ($400). I think XM is free on the Horizon.

The promo pics look pretty darn good. (Anybody want to buy my old GRT sport?​

Old? Too much change.

Am I the only one who sees "promo" and my brain says EFIS pr0n?
HX Screen shots

The New Horizon HX Synthetic vision has been big hit at the show.

We will get more information on our website when we get back.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.





I spent at least an hour talking with Sandy and Carlos at the GRT booth. I cannot say enough about how good it is to talk with people who are really wanting to help you out in making good decisions and purchases like they were doing with me today.

The synthetic vision looks incredible. The show specials on the sport are either the GPS or the ARINC-429. The Horizon is free WX weather. I have not made my decisions yet on how I am going to configure my EFIS panel yet but I have decided it is going to be the GRT for sure.

Having said that I have to admit the Dynon autopilot additon looks pretty awesome too. I don't think you could go wrong with that one either.

Well, anyway. It was good to talk with GRT in person. I gained a lot of helpful information.
i need a new keyboard now

this one has drool on it.

I was already planning to upgrade hs to hx when available.

I may have to wait for guys that are already flying to clear the queue first.
I had not been too impressed with GRT in the past because I had always thought their graphics looked like an old atari game. I know they have a loyal following and thought perhaps some of the functionality must have been there to make up for it.

Looking at the new screen shots all I can say is wow! Looks like they have leap frogged.

Nice work guys. Well done. A++ :D
Terrain data loads for OZ

I have a three screen Horizon 1 setup in my -10 and I'm just drooling over these HX displays.

Anyone know if the HX terrain data for Australia is as detailed as the USA?

-10 almost there!
Non USA data

I have a three screen Horizon 1 setup in my -10 and I'm just drooling over these HX displays.

Anyone know if the HX terrain data for Australia is as detailed as the USA?

-10 almost there!

Along the same lines - can someone show me a flight plan for something like - NZQN - NZWF - NZCH - some serious hills around here. The difference in $$ is big, but is it worth it for us too?

The New Horizon HX Synthetic vision has been big hit at the show.

We will get more information on our website when we get back.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.
The synthetic vision display looks to be higher resolution than some other systems I have seen. What is the resolution of the terrain data? Does the resolution vary depending on location, or is it the same everywhere? What is the source of the terrain data? Which parts of the world do not have terrain data? Does your database include obstacles? If so, how often will the obstacle database be updated?

cool, progress is great, terrain looks pretty cool :)
now, that you have the better screen, any plans for antialiasing? the "pixel"-style look is still pretty evident...

other updates to what development direction you're headed?

They also show me approach plates on it.
Pretty cool.
Plates functionality coming in "Summer."
They remember me as the guy that "found our nasty gps approach lockup"
Its been the only bug in 3 years. No complaints about that.
I ordered the new unit and will figure out how to fit it later.
Fun at SnF. Wx great today.
I have a three screen Horizon 1 setup in my -10 and I'm just drooling over these HX displays.

Anyone know if the HX terrain data for Australia is as detailed as the USA?

-10 almost there!

The terrain data for the US is 3 arc-second. That works out to a data point every 90 meters.

Australia and New Zealand is also 3 arc-second data.

Data is available from +60/-60 deg latitude.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.
Todd, for those of us with the old units-------

1. Will the software for the syn vis work on our units??? I realize that the graphics will suffer, but if I can update to the S/V, it sure would be nice.

2. If the above wont work, any "trade in/upgrade" program----think TruTrack---
available for the new geewizz system??

Thanks in advance,
The synthetic vision display looks to be higher resolution than some other systems I have seen. What is the resolution of the terrain data? Does the resolution vary depending on location, or is it the same everywhere? What is the source of the terrain data? Which parts of the world do not have terrain data? Does your database include obstacles? If so, how often will the obstacle database be updated?

We use the NASA's SRTM 3 arc-second data and the synthetic terrain is shown 30 miles out.

There is a small area in the US that was filled in with 30 arc-second data, I forgot where this was. I will have to find that again.

The obstacle data is from our current map data and is available to download updates from our website. The FAA releases the data on a 28 day cycle.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.
Todd, for those of us with the old units-------

1. Will the software for the syn vis work on our units??? I realize that the graphics will suffer, but if I can update to the S/V, it sure would be nice.

2. If the above wont work, any "trade in/upgrade" program----think TruTrack---
available for the new geewizz system??

Thanks in advance,

1) The new HX display has a processor that is 10 times faster than the Sport HS/WS or Horizon HS/WS displays. The HX also has graphics processor. It is not possible.

2) Good news is we have always had a great upgrade policy.
Sport S200 upgrade to Horizon HX is $7000 - $2800 for trade in.
Sport S100 upgrade to Horizon HX is $4000 - $1800 for trade in.
You are converting a Sport system to a Horizon system.

Just a note, Sport displays do not inter-display link with Horizon displays.

Horizon HS/WS to Horizon HX is $2400.

You do not have to upgrade all your displays with the Horizon series.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, inc.
We use the NASA's SRTM 3 arc-second data and the synthetic terrain is shown 30 miles out.
3 arc-second - that's very impressive. Huge database. I've flown an approved system on a Part 25 aircraft that only had 30 arc-second resolution - it looked very crude compared to the pictures of your system.

Do you render 3 arc-second data all the way out to 30 miles, or do you back off on the resolution as the range to the object increases? What is the update rate of your display?

What is the field of view of the synthetic vision display? I.e, how many degrees left or right of the nose is the terrain that is at the very edge of the display? Is the terrain display conformal with the pitch ladder.

If you get too close to terrain, are there any terrain alerts? If so, is the alert aural, visual, or both? If visual, does the terrain of interest change colour to amber or red, or is the visual display simply an on-screen message?

For the top down view, it would be useful to somehow highlight the portion of the terrain that is visible in the PFD view. That would help the pilot better understand how far off to the side of the nose he is seeing in the PFD. The highlight could be via shading or it could be an outline.
3 arc-second - that's very impressive. Huge database. I've flown an approved system on a Part 25 aircraft that only had 30 arc-second resolution - it looked very crude compared to the pictures of your system.

Do you render 3 arc-second data all the way out to 30 miles, or do you back off on the resolution as the range to the object increases? What is the update rate of your display?

What is the field of view of the synthetic vision display? I.e, how many degrees left or right of the nose is the terrain that is at the very edge of the display? Is the terrain display conformal with the pitch ladder.

If you get too close to terrain, are there any terrain alerts? If so, is the alert aural, visual, or both? If visual, does the terrain of interest change colour to amber or red, or is the visual display simply an on-screen message?

For the top down view, it would be useful to somehow highlight the portion of the terrain that is visible in the PFD view. That would help the pilot better understand how far off to the side of the nose he is seeing in the PFD. The highlight could be via shading or it could be an outline.

The data is 3 arc-seconds all the way out.

The update rate is throttled to 20 fps right now, at full speed it is over 50 fps.

There will be 2 methods of terrain warnings, the first will just color the terrain based on elevation, red is above you yellow is warning.

The second is predictive based on flight path projected over a time interval and collision with ground will give an alarm.

The pitch ladder is conformal to the terrain. Not sure what the field of view is, I will have to ask Jeff. I will look into your suggestion. It looks like it could be easily done.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.
Todd, thanks for the info--------I think what I have is called Horizon 1, most surely not Sport.

I bought a partially built project, and they were included.

Photo here

If I read your message correctly, I could upgrade one of my units for $2400??

If you have the Horizon then it is $2400. The Horizon will have 2 connectors on the displays, the Sport has one.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids, Technologies, Inc.
We use the NASA's SRTM 3 arc-second data and the synthetic terrain is shown 30 miles out.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.

Hi Todd, I read the NASA SRTM information and it appears that the data released to the public for the world is 3 arc-sec (90 metres rez) but that the data released solely for North America is 1 arc-sec (30 metre rez).

So, is that the NASA 90 metre rez you're showing on your demo screen or 30 metre.
Hi Todd, I read the NASA SRTM information and it appears that the data released to the public for the world is 3 arc-sec (90 metres rez) but that the data released solely for North America is 1 arc-sec (30 metre rez).

So, is that the NASA 90 metre rez you're showing on your demo screen or 30 metre.

The data is 90 meter, not the even higher resolution 30 meter.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.
Todd, so you mentioned that an H1 upgrade is approx $2400, but is that for dual screens or single? You also mentioned that interlink would work between an HX and an H1 correct? Any idea if the pinouts are compatible (i.e., can we just plug-in the existing connectors)? How about the ARINC429 module? How's that going to work?


Todd, so you mentioned that an H1 upgrade is approx $2400, but is that for dual screens or single? You also mentioned that interlink would work between an HX and an H1 correct? Any idea if the pinouts are compatible (i.e., can we just plug-in the existing connectors)? How about the ARINC429 module? How's that going to work?



The update price is per screen. You can get a $200 credit for your ARINC-429 module since the HX has ARINC-429. They are plug in replacements. The HX does not support gray code altitude reporting. It does support serial.

Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.

Will the RAIM GPS for the HX eliminate the need for a certified WAAS GPS such as the G430W discounting the NAV and COM features?

Will you have full approach database in the HX?

Will the RAIM GPS be legal for enroute and WAAS based approaches?

If so, this will bring the panel price down to a reasonable level using the HX units.

What would someone loose in this setup with the RAIM GPS & HX vs the G430W with exception of the NAV and COM features?
Field of Regard Designation

On RAH-66 Comanche, we used two thin yellow lines protruding forward to the farthest point we displayed graphical data (in this case synthetic vision) on the MFD in triangular fashion from the nose of the aircraft designator on the map page to show field field regard and dashed magenta to show Field of View within the field of regard (ie, slewing the different sensors around within the field of regard). If the lines didn't protrude to the edge of the display then we drew an arc at the end of the lines corresponding to the distance we were displaying on the other MFDs.

There might have been some tic marks somewhere to designate distances. I can probably dig that stuff up if interested.

So we didn't shade the terrain on the map but outlined it. Don't want to mess with the shading since the shading already means something useful - relative elevation.


Will the RAIM GPS for the HX eliminate the need for a certified WAAS GPS such as the G430W discounting the NAV and COM features?

Will you have full approach database in the HX?

Will the RAIM GPS be legal for enroute and WAAS based approaches?

If so, this will bring the panel price down to a reasonable level using the HX units.

What would someone loose in this setup with the RAIM GPS & HX vs the G430W with exception of the NAV and COM features?

Our RAIM GPS does not eliminate the need for a certified GPS, it is intended to be a backup or for situational awareness.

We will have a full approach database available for the HX. We will be using Jeppesen.

Your choice currently is:

SL30 and our RAIM GPS. You will not be able to fly GPS approaches though.


Todd Stehouwer
Grand Rapids Technologies, Inc.
You will not be able to fly GPS approaches though.

I'm assuming that you mean not able to fly GPS approaches witih your current GPS offering and that with the 430W, flying GPS approaches isn't an issue. Correct?