
Active Member
I have a question regarding the GRT Sport EX. The GRT website lists Jeppesen navigation subscriptions under ?Optional navagation dabases (all systems), but as I understand it, you cannot load the Jeppesen databases into the Sport EX. Am I correct?
It is my understanding that Jeppesen and/or Seattle Avionics navigational databases can only be loaded on the HXr EFIS systems.
Yes, you can...

The Sport EX does in fact support Jepperson databases and that is the only way for most non US customers to have a current database. The US database is free so there is probably little need for US only customers to purchase a Jepperson database. To be clear, the database supplies airport and airspace data and visualization but you do not get the look and feel of a sectional paper chart. For that, I use Fltplan Go on an iPad but other solutions are available. The HX and HXr are the only products that support the Seattle Avionics databases which looks like sectional paper charts as far as I am aware.
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When I think of Jeppesen and Seattle Avionics databases I think of approach and low IFR chart data. All GRT EFIS systems support the 28 day cycle navigation databases available free through GRT.

For IFR approach data to display on your GRT EFIS a HXr system and approach database subscription is required. If the HX system also supports approach and IFR sectional chart data then I stand both surprised and corrected. Mr. Lewis corrects my knowledge and I appreciate that and only wish I could fit the HX system in my panel. However since my old WS systems fit on top of each other there isn’t room to upgrade to the HX.


If I thought the Horizon EX would also display IFR chart and approach databases I would seriously consider upgrading my older WS systems. As With “Funguy” I use an iPad supported EFB for approach and IFR chart for my paper chart use and have a Jeppesen subscription for my 430s to select inflight navigation and approach information.
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My rvs

I use the Seattle Avionics sectionals, low alt IFR charts and approach plates on my GRT HX systems in my RVs. Works well.
Pricing 15-06-2019

FYI! The Navigation only database for GRT is US$175.00. The Navigation and Obstacles database is US$340.00. The links to the website are all broken after purchase by Boeing and I could not find any information on the new website. So a call to Jeppesen is required for any information or purchasing.
GRT - Jeppesen - Foreflight

Anyone know if it's possible to extract the data from Foreflight to load into the GRT? Seems like the GRT supports ARINC 424 format, but no idea if that's also what Foreflight uses.