
Well Known Member
Just wondering if any one can analyze GRT flight demo data? It looks like I have induced an issue with my dual screen GRT and can not find the source of it.
Here is the issue, my AHARs split (one screen goes to AHA1 and the other goes to AHAR2) right after the take off when I am about 500-800 off the ground. Then after a few seconds to a minute it goes back to dual AHAR. I have not been able to reproduce the issue in flight, with steep turns or rolls.

There has been two changes that could possible have cause this. One was that I changed all my pitot/static lines with a better quality lines to eliminate any leak and now it is leak free. The plane was flown twice after that change without any issues. Then, for no good reason, I recalibrated my magnetometers. They were fine but I thought I could do it even more accurately. After recalibration, I started seeing this issue. The calibration process has gone fine without any error and completes the task and I have done it multiple times but has not fixed the issue. The heading of both mags are very close (within one degree or so)

I have copied a couple of flight demos but have not been able to find any discrepancies between the two (one is HX and one is HS)

Anyway, if any one has any thought or idea, I would be very interested to hear/try it. It has been bugging me for the last week. I can mail the demos if any body has knowladge in analyzing them.

And like always appreciate your inputs.