mark manda

Well Known Member
my digital read outs on the fuel pumps are on the money but the vertical green bar graphs are totally off. how do i adjust the green bar graph? thx
DO you mean that your totalizer value equals what you are putting in when you are filling up, but the fuel quantity indicators are lousy?

Welcome to the club! I have the standard Van's fuel senders hooked into the GRT, and calibrated them with reference to some other guys numbers. The problem is that the first few gallons taken out of the tank don't register, and the last couple don't really register....t's not very linear. I really don'/t care, as my totalizer values are spot on, and I only use the quantity values as a gross thing to remind me that I have fuel in a tank.

Not much help, I know....

GRT fuel levels

Mark, which RV do you have? Like Paul, I got some calabration numbers from a friend with the same plane. Then when I first put fuel in, I noted the indication at each 5 gal, and made slight adjustments to get the fuel float indicators close. Then during the 40 hour test period, I ran a tank down to the 3 gal indicated level, and then refilled to determine if it was clse. They both were. That is close enough for me. I do not plan on running either tank below 3 gal.

Tom Lewis
RV7a N967BT
GRT Settings

If you are talking about the scale on the Green Thermomter for the Fuel Level Indication you can adjust that, (as you can ALL the green boxes, except Oil Temp) I think, under the Set Menu for Graphic Engine Monitor. I am in Hong Kong and writing this from Memory.

Aditionally, you can calibrate the digital scales, AUX SF and AUX OFF.
Forgive me if I am giving you 'Egg Sucking 101.'
see post

Once you have that done the is another page in the SET MENU where you can list in a table FUEL ADDED v. FUEL READING, which the allows the system to dispay Fuel Level more linearly. I think this too is on the GRAHICS MENU SET page and is the last item.

When I get home I shall send you more data if you still need it.

PS. Just bought a BMW1200GS. Brilliant machine.
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I have started another thread "running your tanks dry" which is really about the tank indication problem.

I spent hours calibrating the tanks as per the grt manual. They still vary as and when they wish. I wanted to know what is showing in flight when the tank runs dry. I thought I was the only one with this problem. Glad to see im not alone.

Are the capacitance sensors better than the float type I have ?