
Well Known Member
Thats it, not talking to myself for the rest of the day! Not even going to answer any questions I may have...... anyone want to know about the aerodynamics of a pair of flying cleco pliers?
Tools can fly!

I have found the drill motor to have far better flight characteristics than the Cleco pliers. I actually have a sign in my shop to warn others "beware of flying tools"..Its perfectly normal to test these flight parameters occasionally. ALWAYS pick a heading away from the project though.
Throwing tools is unproductive and is considered by many to be immature.

That's why I always make sure there are no witnesses when I do it. :eek:
Do this instead ;) . Stop ! Count to 10 or 20 ??? What ever works , then turn away and walk around the Block , cool down . Fix it , . Their that was much better ! :) . I hate when the screw driver bounced off the door and almost sticks in your eye .
Been there!

When you throw your rivet gun out the door make sure you're not throwing it over your fuselage while one foot is standing on the air hose. Adds mucho induced drag and glide ratio is altered considerably. :eek::mad:
It is times like this that I realize I have been using the wrong tool for the job. So I quickly pick up the correct tool!

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Did you know that a 1/4-20 tapped hole will not fit a 1/4-28 threaded carb temp gauge? No seriously, it's true. I have the proof. I also know how much helicoil kits cost. A lot.. I have lots of other similar hard earned wisdom if anyone is curious. No, I did not launch my carb into orbit. I may be dumb but I'm not stupid.

I have come to the conclusion that building an airplane is really $&@??% hard.
Amateurs. Until you've broken a window in conjunction with an "episode", you haven't even gotten worked up yet. :eek:
...... anyone want to know about the aerodynamics of a pair of flying cleco pliers?

I believe its inversly proportional to the distance to the nearest breakable object, aluminum aircraft skin, or BMW door panel, times the cost factor of the repair or replacment of said object.

This helps. I have a Craftsman opener too!
Sorry Tiny Pic doesn't have a vertical photo option.
Back in an earlier life as an auto mechanic one of the guys I worked with became so enraged when repairs weren't going well that he lashed out with a ball pien hammer. He kept his job but had a very hard time explaining the canyon sized dent in the door of the customers car! (and no it wasn't me!!)

Clive Whittfield
RV6 nearly done
There are just some days where it seems you can't get anything right. I dumped a whole bin of AN470-5 rivets on the floor behind my compressor yesterday. That burned up about 45 minutes getting that all cleaned up. It's good that I build by myself because I turned the air blue when that happened.