
Well Known Member
OK kids, time for more fun questions. The day is fast approaching when I'll be ordering the finish kit for my -8, and so I'm thinking through possible deletions.

The first thing that comes to mind is the mains, and the primary alternative I have in mind are the Grove wheels. I know Beringer is another option, but they're a bit rich for my blood.

I'm wondering if anyone can relate the advantages of Grove (or other alternatives) and provide personal experience/anecdotes.

My experience is that my main wheels (standard kit ones) work well so far, are hidden under the wheel pants, and when I do look at them they are always dirty as I fly off a grass strip, so aftermarket ones have no attraction to me personally... is weight the advantage?
I was fortunate to pick up a polished aluminium spinner with my prop which I really like, so I deleted the fg spinner (think that’s fwf kit) - and the tailwheel springs from the kit, as I have the tail lynx ones.
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I am in the same boat as you thinking about what wheels I want on the RV-8.

I also would like something better and lighter. I keep coming back to Van's past engineering of their aircraft having the lowest cost best value components on the market. The Matco wheels and brakes are the lowest cost option on the market. Price goes up a lot to maybe save a few ounces and maybe be better.

I may follow your lead if you can come up with something better that is only a little more money.