
Active Member
Just spoke with the fine people at Grove Aircraft. I am wanting a one-piece air foil landing gear for my 8. If i can find 8-10 others willing to commit to purchase, they will do a production run. The cost would be roughly $2500 each.

Anyone interested? Let me know.:)
Count me in

Do you know the contact person we can call to make a deposit.

I'm still working on my wings, and haven't ordered the Fuse yet, so I don't mind waiting for a while on a list (if such a list exists)

I am interested. Have considered trying to sell, or just eat, my old heavy standard gear in favor of the Grove but haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. I tried contacting them but never received a reply. Consider me as one of the 8-10; would be good to have the lighter option, and they look better as well! PM me if you need more confirmation (and I'll monitor this thread as well). What mods are required for the single piece vs Van's two piece? I haven't closed up the fwd fuse bottom yet so would be able to make changes pretty easily. If it's not easy, I'll prob just go with the Grove two piece replacements for the std gear.
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I'd be interested in the one-piece airfoil gear. I'm already considering getting the one-piece standard gear if there aren't enough to order the airfoil gear. Taking delivery of the fuse in about a week, so I can afford to wait a bit.
Count me in! Please post here whom to contact and where to send the deposit. Thanks!

...or PM me please. Even better.
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Grove told me NO

I Emailed Gail about getting on this list this is what she wrote back to me on 6 April 2012. "As of right now we don't have the one piece AF gear in the plans, So my guess is that we are not going to make them any time soon. I would stay with the 2 piece RV8 Gear if I were you".
I would like a one pice AF gear but Grove gear says they are not going to make one or 10 for that matter.
I got an email back from Gail that they are going to do a airfoil gear production run soon. All you have to do is call in with your credit card and shipping info, and you will be on the list.

I got an email back from Gail that they are going to do a airfoil gear production run soon. All you have to do is call in with your credit card and shipping info, and you will be on the list.


I am on that list but be aware it is for the 2 piece system, not the 1 piece most here are wanting.
When I spoke with them they thought that a production run could be done if enough people would commit to purchase a one-piece airfoil RV-8 gear set. Anything is possible but they need enough orders to make it feasible. At least 8, 10 would be better!
Why do you want 1 piece vs 2 piece? Does the 1 piece fit in there with no mods?
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Thanks aeropunk, I never really heard about gear problems on the 8.

p.s. I am from cleveland too :]