67MK Larry

Active Member
What is the web address for this company, I will be replacing my gear leg and fork after OSH,thanks Larry Salerno
Which Grove Part Number

The web site shows two 5x5 magnesium nose wheels, p/n 59-2M and p/n 59-1M. One is for 800 lbs. and the other for 1200 lbs.

Which one are you guys installing?
Here's a reply I got from Grove to the "What should I buy?" question.

From: "Gail Austin" <[email protected]>

We sell an Nose wheel retrofit kit for Tri Gear Vans model planes
6A, 7A, 8A, 9A (Will not work for RV10A)
This has been an popular kit the last couple days, as we have been getting tons of inquiries via e-mail and
telephone. P/N is 59-2M-RV price is $299.00\


Clear skies,