Dear fellows,
the day yesterday wasn't exactly on my favor. Landed in Budel, Netherlands, with my RV8, 14 hrs, and encountered a twister or similar after landing at about 40 kts, which turned and swivelled me around. I ended in the meadow with a broken gear leg and the knowledge, that I definitely have no idea what happened. After 44 years of flying and 7k hours, I cannot explain the history of this event.

Today I am back in reality and looking forward to repair my baby.

Among many different parts, I need two new gear legs, preferably from Grove. Two legs or if available the one piece Grove gear leg for the RV8.

Is anybody of you able to provide me with some new gear legs?
Thanks in advance and take care,

Poseidon is sometimes not exacty on your favor.

14 hrs
... encountered a twister or similar after landing at about 40 kts, which turned and swivelled me around. I ended in the meadow with a broken gear leg and the knowledge, that I definitely have no idea what happened. After 44 years of flying and 7k hours, I cannot explain the history of this event.


Among many different parts, I need two new gear legs, preferably from Grove. Two legs or if available the one piece Grove gear leg for the RV8. ...
Hi Stephan, I think this kind of thing has happened to many people - I know it happened to me once in a super cub - I could have sworn the GIB stomped on the right rudder and we ended up in the grass, but it was probably me just flying bad or some crazy gust. Thankfully only bruised egos and a bit of tall grass on the skis which were still installed from the glacier season.

About the replacement gear legs, perhaps someone has some they have not yet installed, or you can buy a set from Ken here:

Seems the pireps on Ken's gear are very good, and of course he's a great guy!
Mickey, thanks for the words. I am looking into the future and try to repair that plane.

I'll contact that member with the legs instantaneously. However, best solution would be to have enough orders for the one piece gear leg, once produced from Grove. Once again I try to start a list for this part. I already have:

Me, Stephan, Germany
Michiel, Netherlands

May be that more RVers are interested and will join the queue.

Thank you Mickey.