Well Known Member
I have the in-flight adjustable rudder pedals and I've just installed my Grove brake reservoirs on my Matco master cylinders. I knew the clearance was going to be close between the reservoirs and the firewall when the pedals were in the full forward position and full rudder deflection was used. To prevent the reservoirs from actually contacting the firewall, I installed an extra F-8107 spacer on the front end of the WD-817 adjustable slide bar. It looks now like I will have to install a second additional F-8107 spacer in order to not hit the firewall and still achieve full rudder deflection. Has anyone else run into this and what did you do? Was I suppose to install the reservoirs or master cylinders in a different manner? Thanks.
help with reservoirs


I installed the ACS A-600 reservoirs, which are similar. The dimensions given on the ACS website show they have the same diameter.

One thing I did to reduce the requirement for more spacers was to replace the 1/8 NPT fitting they supplied (which was aluminum) with a shorter brass 1/8 NPT nipple -- this locates the reservoir closer to the master cylinder so there is more room for pedal travel.

If I recall, I needed to add just 3/4" of extra clearance, and I did that by simply riveting the standard spacer ring to the slider tube about 3/4" back from the normal end position.
I will be able to double-check tonight and confirm that. But the result was that I have full rudder pedal travel at the relocated stop position, and I fly with the pedals one notch aft of that anyway. I'm 6' 1".
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Use a 90 with male on one side and female on the other ( street 90 ) put the 90 in the master cylinder and the reservoir into the female end of the 90. Gives a lot more room . Then drill the adjustment holes.
Thanks Steve, I should have thought about that. I'll use an 1/8" close nipple and go from there.
spacer ring position

I checked last night, and my spacer ring is riveted to the slider tube about 1" back from the normal full-forward position.

g zero's idea is an interesting one. It moves the reservoir off to the side quite a bit -- would need to check that the two reservoirs don't hit the master cylinder hoses, or each other, or interfere with the pedals or something. Also, need to make sure there is enough 'swing' room to thread the reservoir onto the elbow.

But moving it to the side on an elbow would probably give a half inch additional clearance. It would be worth trying if you are taller than 6'2".

If you are 6'2" or less, then there will be plenty of clearance with the reservoir on a short nipple.