
Well Known Member
I purchased a Grove reservoir to replace the standard Vans unit. I then got a stainless AN elbow fitting which I plan to use with the reservoir. When I started threading the fitting in it seemed to bottom out before it was threaded in that far or tight. I decided to stop at that point and seek out help from VAF. I don't think I want to keep trying to thread in the fitting. I'm wondering if I used thread sealant that will be sufficient or do I need to take some other action. The threads seem fairly loose so I'm questioning whether the sealant alone would be a good solution.

I'm a newbie with regard to all of the plumbing stuff so excuse this question if its obvious to some of you.
When you say bottom out, this was only after a few turns with plenty of threads showing? That is an NPT joint which constricts the deeper you thread. That constriction allows you some freedom to set the fitting to the desired orientation. You definitely need sealant there, Permatex #2 would work fine as one option, and make sure you meet the minimum torque on the fitting, then more as needed for proper orientation.

Not that it will help much, but here is a picture that includes the reservoir on my firewall (note that I used aluminum fitting on reservoir and steel on FW): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0SnNGSPyuSheEd5bVduM2VXM28/view?usp=sharing
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I was just expecting a more incremental increase in required torque when tightening. I have some loctite thread sealant. I think I'm going to try putting it together with that and see how it goes.

I decided to use an SS fitting and tubing to the firewall. You have to draw the line somewhere. I have to admit though your solution is probably just as safe as mine.