Let's get a list going for Classic Areo & Oregon Aero Seats. I'm not really interested in anything Else! list your prefrence of which manufacturer you want and We'll approach them when we have some significant numbers. We'll get a group discount from one of them!
Getter Done!!!

Count me in if we can get the 30% discount like the last two groups. If they would like to stretch out the deliverer time fine by me. Will not need to install the permanent seats for another 6 months.
Southern Indiana
I'm interested,but

I would particicpate in a group buy of either Oregon or Classic.

However, I also think we should give Bob some more time to see if what he has in the works pans out. I wouldn't want to jeapordize any deals he has developing.

In the immortal words of Kung Fu, "patience grasshopper". :)
Classic Aero

My own experience with Classic Aero was excellent. Got the full up leather etc and found it to be very high quality with outstanding workmanship. The best part was that a year after I received the set I wrote back telling them that my sitting height was too high. (I'm 6'2") They quickly sent me a thin front seat pad free.
Classic Aero Is absolutely not giving discounts and Oregon Aero might give discounts at the fun and sun airshow. We need some serious numbers for Classic Aero
Count me in

I would be interested in either Classic or Oregon, with a discount for the group buy.

RV-7, finnish kit, engine ordered
Classic Aero for me

...but I can't see it happening anytime soon. Other things have eaten my income for a while :(
Count me in

I would be interested in either Classic or Oregon.
I don't need them right away but would buy them if it's a good deal.

Broken-wrench said:
Classic Aero Is absolutely not giving discounts and Oregon Aero might give discounts at the fun and sun airshow. We need some serious numbers for Classic Aero

This is just so unhelpful that you are doing this. You are simply contacting companies and discovering things that I already know. You're stomping all over the top of me. In addition you're making us look fragmented and disorganised as a group. It was never going to be a case of choosing which seat company you wanted and then bullying them into a deal.

I have let you ramble on.... on this site and on the General Discussions site, because I couldn't really stop you. And I did not want to go into the details of my negotiations in a public forum at this time because I believed it would jeopardise a possible successful outcome.

But I have watched with dismay as you and a few others have publicly recommended that we bludgeon the seat manufacturers into a deal they couldn't refuse (how silly is that!!!). This is the reason Doug Reeves has banned postings on his Group Buy site. He was smart. When you open these things to the public you end up inviting public comments [snip].

I made it clear that I was negotiating with "a major player". How many major players are there. But no, that was not good enough for you.

The benefits for me personally in this matter are miniscule and not worth the effort required in setting it up. In that respect I took on the task of negotiating for a seat volume purchase mainly as a benefit for the RV community as a whole.

The Hooker deal and the Milspec deal were successful in the main because the negotiators in those cases did not advise the VanAirforce Group until the deal was done...therefore they did not have to suffer the problem of members making ugly public comments in respect of the vendors before negotiations were completed. I was not in a position to do similar. It was obvious to me that the negotiations for seats would be long and protracted and others would be jumping in all over the place if I didn't announce my intentions.

I now believe my position has been completely compromised by your actions and I am withdrawing from any further negotiations in respect of setting up a group buy on seats.

So you can now take it over, which is what you were doing anyway.

Many hundreds of VansAirforce members have been very sensible and patient in this matter. Most people were intelligent enough to read between the lines and they saw what I was trying to do, even though I could not publicly go into greater detail. I thank all those people and express my regret that the exercise has been compromised [snip].
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"Yea, hi, I need a set of seats for my aircraft that I see you have priced at $1050.00".

"You bet, what kind of aircraft do you need them for?"

"For my RV, and I heard about you guys over on the VAF group".

"Really, you're from the VAF group, eh? Well I'm really sorry, but I see that we've just had a sudden price increase of 10% for those seats."
Status of Grop Buy?

Broken-wrench said:
Let's get a list going for Classic Areo & Oregon Aero Seats. I'm not really interested in anything Else! list your preference of which manufacturer you want and We'll approach them when we have some significant numbers. We'll get a group discount from one of them!

Is someone talking to the vendors . . . what is the status of this proposal?

Bob Christensen
[email protected]
bchriste2608 said:
Is someone talking to the vendors . . . what is the status of this proposal?

Bob Christensen
[email protected]

It seems that Broken Wrench has gone very very quiet. In fact he's disappeared off the radar screen. I think you can take that to mean he's crashed and burned....taking all the passengers with him.
Very Sad

As a silent observer (I already have my seats...) to this unfortunate wreck, it was obvious that would happen, and I realy felt sorry for Bob, who appeared to me to be trying to get the thing done in a decent manner. Unfortunately, there are always bullies in this world. :mad:

If you're closer to the 6 month mark and you want Classic Aero, I suggest you start thinking about ordering. CA is booked out to summer already. Probably why they weren't too interested in a group buy, unfortunately. They sent me some sample swatches last week. I'm just waiting for my harnesses to show up to pick the final colors.

Why would you think you would get a deal?

Guys pardon me stating the obvious, but these two vendors are busy already filling orders for people that don't want to haggle... I had to wait 4 months to get mine and I paid the price that was asked. It was a good deal then...

Really, it is supply and demand. Both these vendors have enough demand that they do not need to do deals. The last thing either of them would want to do is pull through all the demand in one go and then sit around for the rest of the year.

Exactly what can you offer them other than a lot of orders? They still have to deal with every single one of you and take the money. If I was in business I would tell you to go away...
rwtrwtau said:
If I was in business I would tell you to go away...
exactly correct. I just got my seats after 4 months. I was happy to pay and happy to wait. The owner mentioned the "buying" efforts and said he has NO interest in group buys b/c 1) he's got all the business he can handle and 2) it would COST him money to add extra capacity to meet the "bulge" order and he'd be stuck with the excess capacity after the fact.

For "custom" products like seats and exhausts, you can forget about group buys. Stick to mass produced items such as cowl fasteners.

My family owns a large supply business. "group buys" come around every so often. We turn them down flat.

Most suppliers will not support group purchases via individual transactions. Rather, they will want a distribution arranagement, i.e. 1 person buys everything and resells them at their risk.